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Christmas break
was arriving
and Seol was going back
to Daegu,
to rejoice
with her family.

the day before,
Seol met Tae-
him waiting for her
as always.

"did you miss me?"

his answer
was immediate.
"yes .. what took
so long?"

a sigh left her lips.
"my class went on forever
and now i have
so much homework
and studying
to do."

Taehyung brushed her hair
away from her face.
"you study
too hard.
take time out
for yourself love."

"before you leave-"
he started to speak.

"make sure
to stay warm
and here's
my number."

he placed
a piece of paper
in Seol's hand.

"take care
of yourself."

"enjoy Christmas,
stay hydrated
and eat well.
don't give up
and rest too.
self care is

then he smiled.
a boxy smile that was
scarce and enchanting.
"and don't
forget about me
in these next two weeks."

Seol laughed.
"i could never."
how could anyone
forget him?

"is it my good looks,
that's why?"

Seol rolled her eyes.
it's your entire being.


"i'm kidding."

hm- left his lips,
teasing her.
"so it is my
good looks."

but then
your personality-"

"oh really?"

"yes stop."

Taehyung stepped
a sneaky look
in his chocolate filled eyes.
"stop what?"

this is what
you do to me."

and he took her hand in his,
Seol's heart
never getting used to
his gracious touch.

her hand pressed
against his
beating heart.

"i fall for you
in every single moment
we spend together."

Seol's eyes were so wide.
"wait what?
Kim Taehyung
likes me?"

"oh come on,
it was obvious!"

"and i know
you like me too."
he shrugged
and his confidence
was attractive,
it made her want to
be similar.

ha!- he made Seol grin
as always.
"you wish."

"i don't
have to wish."
at this point,
they were staring
at each other.

"you're pretty."

Taehyung raised his brows
in surprise.
"why thank you."

"well i have to go."
Seol said sadly-
not wanting to leave.

aren't you
forgetting something?"


Taehyung pointed
to his appealing lips, a
smile on his face
as his copper strands of hair
fell down on his shiny face.
the denim jacket on his chest
wasn't enough to protect him
from the cold
as he waited.

Seol couldn't resist
her lucky friend
so she sighed
and walked up to him-
catching him by surprise
and kissing him.

their lips moved together,
smiling halfway
as softness and sentiment
crept into her body.
Seol knew
that she'd be thinking
about their first kiss
for the rest
of her life.

"i'll be be back
with another kiss
in two weeks."

and she ruffled his hair,
loosening her grip
on his waist
with a smile.

"bye love."

he murmured,
his touch and warmth
still so robust
on her body.

yes!!!!!!!!! let this ship live on!!!!!!

i don't miss the snow or winter like i'm ready for summer :D

anyway taehyung saying i'm good boy is not good for my health

see ya in the next chapter <3

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