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Taehyung thought
of Seol
as a person
that was soft
but fierce
at the same time-
he thought
it was bizarre.

he knew
from the minute
he met her
that she had a sad tale-
because anyone
who comes to the sea
seeks comfort,
from a nature
that doesn't
speak back,
but instead reassures
with crashes
of waves
and sandy beaches.

he also knew
that he wanted
his hand
to be in hers
for the rest of his life.

it lasted the way
he wanted,
hand holding,
day trips
and kisses that
drove him insane.
he expected
the arguments,
and disagreements
knowing it would
work out.
and it did,
because what Seol
and Taehyung
had was unique,
and something worth
writing about
in books.

Taehyung still
thinks about her
in the shower,
car drives,
working out in the evening,
breaks with clients
and his finger always
hovers above
her contact
on his phone.

he had never
felt heartbreak
so dangerously.
he was miserable
without her
for weeks,
they felt
never ending
as he broke
into tears

there was an
empty space
without Seol
because their routine
... and love
had vanished.

he clenches
his eyes shut,
inhaling the freshness
of the open window
in his office,
fists clenching
as he wishes
for Seol to remember
the love
they had.

BY THE SEA ✓Where stories live. Discover now