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it happened
like this.
the ending
of a love
that could've
been better.

the alluring couple
by the sea,
their favourite place-
with their
sorrowful tales
and euphoric memories,
sat silently.
no touch,
no conversation.
just the sound
and sight
of the sea
that had brought
them together.

one felt hope
and the other
felt guilt creeping
into her lungs.
Seol finally told
the truth.

she was only
ever supposed
to be
in Seoul
for a year.
a year away
from Daegu
as part of her course,
to learn in Seoul.

her time had
come to an end,
not just with her
but with the lover
that sang melodies
every time
he opened
his mouth,
a deep voice
that held promises
and a home.

she promised herself
that in her one year away,
she wouldn't
make a home
out of Seoul.
but she didn't know
she'd make a
out of a person.

a year?
his voice broke,
brushing away bangs
as he tried to
process the truth.

she whispered,
giving up.
i have to leave.

Taehyung fell apart
in front of her,
not realising how much
he needed Seol.
she was leaving him
and he had
no idea,
never expected
such bad news.
why didn't she
tell him?

his tears stained
his face,
like the azure
ocean waves-
they came crashing
down his
smooth cheeks,
eyes squeezing shut
as the wind blew noisily
in their ears.
he looked pretty
when he cried,
auburn orbs
filled with overflowing
deep water
and he was the sea,
Seol craved.

Taehyung cried,
knowing she wasn't
going to stay.
a few months just
wasn't enough
for their love.

BY THE SEA ✓Where stories live. Discover now