Rin's normal day

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Everything was white. It was so empty. "Hello?" Rin yelled. She started to wander forward, well she thought it was forward anyway. For all she knew she could have been walking straight up. She looked around for a way out. She heard a sound behind her and went to turn around. A hand grabbed her hair, yanking her head back and the other hand brought a knife to her exposed throat. Rin felt the cold, sharp edge slightly digging into her flesh. Her body started to shake. She was going to die.

"Hey lovely, it's just me. I'm here. I'm here to make you feel better. I can make the pain go away. It would be just like going to sleep and you would never have to suffer again. I want to make the pain go away. What do you say?" The sickening sweet voice told her. The knife lessened as if to prove that they were not a real threat. The voice instantly calmed her down nevertheless. Cadence loved her, they never wanted her to suffer. They always told her that if she just ended it, she wouldn't hurt anymore. They'll take care of her, make sure he never hurt her again.

"Please," Rin said.

"Good girl," she could hear the smile in their voice. The knife dug into her flesh and sliced her neck open. She felt warm blood drip down her neck and soak the collar of her shirt. Pain filled her and she screamed in agony, then nothing.  

Rin’s eyes flung open. "Stay out of my head," she yelled. She rubbed the trails of sleep out of her eyes. Annaya turn towards Rin from her side of the bed yawning.

"Again? I'm really tired of waking up to you bitching. And begging for death? Pathetic. It's a good thing your family can't see you." She rolled her eyes and starts to get out of bed. She fucking read her mind again, Rin hated when she does that. She was right, it would kill them to see her like this.

Rin's demonsWhere stories live. Discover now