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Robots. They're just a metallic humanoid that are created by engineers majoring in robotics using metals, hundreds of screws and gears to join the pieces together. All of them had the same settings programmed in their body for all their physical movements and also their mind developments.

All of them, the robots that existed on Earth's surface, are mostly made by the intelligent peoples that lived in South Korea. They are then exported to other countries, sold in there and generate a large amount money from their high prices when they're sold. Which contributes to increasing the country's economy.

As what all people know, robots are just robots. No feelings, no emotions, no nothing. Just a man-made 'human' that'll help the citizen do all their everyday works and fulfill their never-ending demands.

Due to that obvious fact known by all the people breathing in this planet, the robotics engineers finally decided to add something new to their robots. To upgrade them into a better version. They've already made the robots looked like any real and normal humans; having skins covering their shiny silver metallic bodies. But they felt like they're missing something to add to their masterpieces.

When they said about upgrading the robots, it meant something that never crossed their minds before. Neither others that is outside the lab.

Which is-

Setting a program in the created metallic humanoids that will make them feel real emotions. Anger, sadness, insecurities, happiness; all the feelings that every humans feel.

But would it make any difference when their creations are able to have feelings?

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