02 | TWO

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"Hey, you're done?" Sora asked the light pink coloured hair girl who was currently crouching down on the ground, searching for smaller screws among the large pile in the red tool tray. "Erm, i guess it's a no."

Hyejung looked up towards her and smiled sheepishly. It was a habit she developed since she was younger whenever someone asked her something obvious while she is doing her work. The word, 'Why would you ask something so obvious when you clearly saw it in front of your eyes?' and 'What's the point of me answering the question when the answer is directly infront of you?' has always been there like her motto. It was always shown on her expression when it comes to people that always ask that kind of question. And her friend, Choi Sora, is one of the peoples.

"Why wou-" She asked halfway and interrupted when a foot accidently kicked her tray, sending all the screws and tools flying on the floor beside her. Hyejung rolled her eyes in pure annoyance and anger. She pressed both her lips into a thin line and sighed deeply. She can feel her blood boiling in her vessels due to the growing flame of anger inside her. Stretching her legs straight, she stood up and faced the taller male.

"Sorry! S-sorry! I didn't mean to. I didn't see where i was walking earlier!" The male, who goes by the name Minsoo immediately apologized when he saw the angered expression on Hyejung's face. He was expecting her to yell at him but much to his shock, she raked her hands through her untied, soft, long hair and nodded once.

"Okay." she said, monotously and looked at the mess on the floor. Her actions send further chills down the male's spine, as he quickly bend down to pick up the screws and place it back to the tray.

"Go." demanded Hyejung as Sora who was standing beside her stared at her. Minsoo still crouched down on the floor, continuing to gather the small screws.

"I will clean this first-" he said and interrupted by Hyejung.


"There's not much anymore-"

"Two." she counted again using the same monotone. "Better go while i still let you,"

"Okay, i'll go. Sorry once again," he apologized for the third time, standing up quickly and scurried away to his department.

Hyejung groaned and rubbed her face in a harsh manner. This has always been her biggest problem in life. She can't control her anger at all, she already tried and failed as many times as she tried. It happened once while she was still in high school, she punched a girl directly on her nose and breaking it in the process. The girl was annoying her too much with her caked up face, so it triggered the anger button Hyejung had in her. She then ended up suspended from school for a whole two weeks, but she regret nothing, instead, she felt more satisfied. Why? Because the girl never get close to her again.

"Hyejung? Hyejung-ah?" Sora called, pulling her back to the reality. She was crouching down as well, with the tray full with the screws that are on the floor earlier. She must've picked it up while she zoned out. "Here, i'm done with it. You can continue,"

"Oh. Thanks." Hyejung simply muttered, and take the screwdriver next to her and continued her work- as what Sora told her to do.

Minutes after the silence, except for the sound of Hyejung with her tools, their chief's voice echoed through the room as he called her to his office.

Hyejung entered his office and was greeted with the older male sitting on his swivel chair while smiling widely at her. "Ah, you're here. Come sit," he instructed and pointed the chair infront of his table. Hyejung obeyed and took her seat across him.

"So, Hyejung ssi, there's a reason i called you here," he began and Hyejung just nodded in response to his short statement. She kept her mouth zipped close, waiting for the old man to continue his sentences.

"As we all know, the project JG197 where the robots we made will be programmed again to make them feel real emotion like how real humans did," he cleared his throat and resumed. "And considering that you're one of the people that is good in programming them, i decided that i'll choose you to do it."

"Me?" she pointed at herself, at the centre of her chest. She got a nod from the man.

Then, the chief pull the drawer of his table open and took a black with a red stripe pendrive out. He slide it on the table's surface towards Hyejung's direction before he crossed his arms on the table.

"Here. You'll do it."

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