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Loud bustlings of the huge crowd could be heard as the android man and the human woman made their way through. Hyejung honestly, wasn't the type of a person who liked to be surrounded by people that much, she usually prefers to be alone. She dislikes to be in a place with many people, let alone being in a loud places such as the night clubs which Sora, her bestfriend really like to go to on every weekend. If it wasn't for the reason that she ran out of foods in her kitchen, the cupboards screaming to be refilled with instant foods, she would now still be rolled up in her warm and comfortable blanket like a buritto on her bed instead of going out for grocery shopping.

"Hello!" Said the robot to an elderly woman who they walked past. In fact, he greets every single person who is there.

"Yah, stop greeting everyone. You might annoy them, you know? Why are you too friendly?" Said Hyejung as she struggles to pull Jeongguk along with her. She might even call him a hello-bot at this rate if he continues to greet all people.

"Hel-" Jeongguk tries to greet again, only to stop halfway as the girl walking next to him suddenly slapped her palm over his mouth stopping him from saying anything to the strangers who passed by the both of them.

Hyejung just force a smile to the people staring at her and her robot, and bowing slightly to them, feeling a bit apologetic and awkward. She continued to stretch her lips like that until she felt something warm and wet moving on her palm that was still on Jeongguk's mouth.

'What the actual fuck ?' she questioned in her head.

She turned to look at Jeongguk, only to see his eyes that are squinted into the shape of a  crescent moon. Did he just-

-lick her hand?

"Ew what are you doing?! Ugh, it is really disgusting Jeongguk. Gross. Absolutely gross!" She exclaimed in pure annoyance, immediately retrieving her hand and wiping it on the android's sleeve. She gave a glare to him, a glare which might kill him if it could as she rummaged through her small backpack for wet tissues.

Upon seeing Hyejung like that, annoyed and disgusted by his action, the JG197 just let out a soft chuckle which he covered using his fist. He saw that act of licking someone's palm on the television, in a drama he watched a few days ago and decided to do it on Hyejung since she covered his mouth using her hand earlier.

"What are you laughing at?" Hyejung asked, seems like she's still fuming, judging from her tone but that didn't scare him. Instead, he bursted into a laughter which infuriates her more.  

"Yah stop it! It's not even funny!" She exclaimed again, hitting Jeongguk's metal arms, trying to make him stop giggling.

But his laughter is too infectious that it made her let out a small chuckle, but still wanting to stay angry. But she unfortunately fail to continue to be mad at him and eventually she joined his laughter, her anger slowly fading away.

Suddenly, Jeongguk stopped laughing. He looked at Hyejung who was pursing her lips tightly to stifle her laughter. 

"Hyejung-ah," he called, and upon her name being called, she suddenly stopped laughing and gave him a straight face.


"Thank you,"

Hyejung tilted her head to the side, eyeing Jeongguk suspiciously and in confusion. "For?"

"For you to be my owner. I'm really grateful,"

Just a filler chapter i guess? Don't hate me please for this boring part, because i don't know what i'm writing either.

But, wanna know something funny? I am not even half way finished with writing this book yet, but i already plan and wrote the ending lMAO

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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