04 | F O U R

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Silence swallowed the whole atmosphere in the office room as Hyejung and Sora both copied each other's posture by leaning against the wall, while sitting on their respective seats, with JG197 still standing in his previous spot, supporting his body weight on his right foot.

Occasionally, hums can be heard escaping from either Hyejung's and Sora's lips as both of them are immersed deeply in their thoughts. JG197, is now already feeling bored from all the silence filled the room.

'Why are both of them silent?' He questions, words coming out in a soft mumble.

He huffed loudly, in which surprisingly doesn't even budge the two girls in the office with him, and slumped down on the hard floor in a rather harsh manner that it will surely hurt if real humans do what he did.

He pulled his legs closer to him, hugging them as he placed his chin on his knee and pouted slightly.

He was deactivated for a long time and just brought back to life by a pink haired girl earlier, but why are they silencing themselves instead of ordering him to do some works like how his previous owner did?

JG197 began to draw some imaginary circles and random lines on the floor surface out of pure boredom; the feeling he had never experienced before. He felt a bit lonely, though there is two humans with him right now, but both of them are silent.

He continued to trace random shapes using the tip of his index finger, with the tile as his paper, drawing invisible pictures that only him can see. Silence had took over the room for about ten minutes already, or probably more. JG197 lifted up his head slowly, turning it to the left to see a girl with a golden brown short hair, putting her fingers under her chin and eyes focused in the ceiling above the three of them. He turned his head to the right, and saw a girl with light pink hair, who is resting her head on the table supported by her arms.

"AHAH!" The girl who he learnt go by the name Sora suddenly exclaimed, breaking the ear-piercing silence and instantly shocking the hell out of JG197.

"Gosh, i'm surprised!" he managed to say. His right hand is already clutched above his chest; what his previous owner always did whenever he's surprised by something. He can feel vigorous thumps inside his chest, which he found really weird and unfamiliar because it never happened to him before. He had never experienced that feeling; boredom, shocked or anything. It was his very first time that day to feel that kind of emotions. How is that possible?

"Ah, you. Wait," Sora said, putting her palms out towards him as a gesture for the humanoid to wait.

"Again?" he questioned, which sounded more like a whine but was ignored by the female. It was either she didn't hear him or she was completely ignoring him. But he was sure he said that loud enough.

"Yah, Hyejung-ah," she called the other girl, shaking her body lightly, only to let out a sigh after. "Kya, i thought you were thinking for his name, but actually, you fall asleep? And i'm the only who are putting efforts to this? Wah, i can't believe you," she said to herself as if she was a crazy woman as it was obviously not answered by the sleeping Hyejung. JG197 stared at both of them blankly; Sora shaking Hyejung's body until she is fully awake.

"So," Sora spoke, wheeling her chair towards Hyejung's table. JG197 is now seated on a plastic chair, infront of both of them while his round doe eyes bore holes into Hyejung's forehead. "I have already thought of a name for him."

"What is it?" replied Hyejung, voice sounded a bit hoarse.

"Jeong. Guk." she informed and JG197's face lighten up at the name she mentioned. He will have a name, he'll no longer be called JG197. He was elated that he didn't realised that he was smiling widely, revealing his two bunny front teeth.

"Jeongguk?" mumbled JG197 while his gaze fall on the floor.

"Why? You don't like it?" Hyejung asked.

"You want me to change it to another one?"

Sora, who was seated across the robot also looked at him staring on the floor. Realizing their stares, he lifted up his head while smiling widely towards the two girl.

"Don't change it. I love the name. Jeongguk,"


Sorry for the late update! School started a week ago, and i never expect homeworks are to be given everyday to us. Well, it's a pre-university anyway, so yeah. *shrugs

Anyways, thank you for reading this book of mine, and don't forget to check my other books also. And please kindly vote and comment so that i know your thoughts on this book.

Thank you!

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