05 | FIVE

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"Bring him home,"

"What?" asked Hyejung instantly after the word left the male's mouth. Her voice was raised by two tones, showing clearly how surprised she was from the instruction she was given. She had already created the robot, recently programmed him to the latest system that her chief wants and now he asked her to bring him home?

"You heard me clearly Min Hyejung. You know i don't repeat my words," Hyejung clenched her fists, showing off her knuckles that already turned white.

"Bring him. Record and tell me his progress so that i know whether to continue this project or not," He said, glancing at Hyejung across him and tidying the papers he placed messily on the table. "You may go now,"

"But chief-"

"You wouldn't want to lose your job, do you? I'm sure you've so worked hard to achieve it, wouldn't want it to go to a waste right?" said the chief, smirking. Hyejung wished she can wipe off the expression he had on his old wrinkled face. Or probably made his whole face gone too.

She silently growled and shouted countless strings of profanities in her mind.

"Fine. I'll take him home,"

"Hey, aren't you coming out?" asked Hyejung as the male robot still stayed seated in the car.

"Err, i don't know how to," he replied, lightly scratching the back of his head before he swiped his long bangs to the back using the same hand. "make this thing open," He continued and had an embarassed look plastered on his face, which Hyejung can't help but to think that it was adorable. She let out a small chuckle.

She leaned forward and help Jeongguk to unbuckle his seatbelt and opened the door. He silently stared at her, concentrated on observing her actions.

"There you go. You can go out now," Hyejung beamed while taking her handbag into her lap from the backseat. She swung her cardoor open slowly and step out, giving a look at Jeongguk again as she passed the front of her SUV.

"Oh, so that's how she do it," mumbled Jeongguk to himself, stepping out of the car before slamming the door close and ran after Hyejung.

"Wow, this is your house?" he asked as soon as Hyejung and him entered the apartment. Jeongguk's eyes lingered all around the area, from the living room to the kitchen, to the island located at the center of the kitchen, and to the three doors which he assumed as bedrooms and the bathrooms.

A small giggle can be heard from behind him, making him pivot his heels to face the girl. "Why are you giggling though?"

"Nothing, your actions are cute." she deadpanned.

Jeongguk can feel the heat rising to his face and his ears from Hyejung's words directed towards him earlier.

'And now, what is this feeling?' he thought in his mind.

"And yes, this is where i lived. Not that big, but enough for both of us to stay in," she continued, both legs intertwined on the coffee table infront of the sofa, where she was seated.

"Fancy enough for me though," mumbled Jeongguk, making his way towards Hyejung's direction to take a seat beside her. As he flopped down the sofa, his whole body bounced slightly due to its softness, which made his eyes widen a bit.

"Why are my-"

"It's okay, Jeongguk. It is normal, the sofa is not weird. Don't worry, everything in here is two hundred percent safe. I'm sure," Hyejung cuts his words off, grinning sheepishly and made a 'V' sign with two of her fingers. "Peace,"

Jeongguk giggled at her gesture. He found it funny; he had never seen it before, considering that his previous owner was a pretty serious person. So it means that she never made any kind of gestures that Hyejung showed him. He is new to everything. As the time ticks on the clock, the urge to know about everything grows rapidly in him.

He stood up from his seat slowly, stealing a glance towards Hyejung to make sure that he didn't woke her up from her nap because he assumed that she was tired from all the works she'd done in her office earlier.

He walked around the living room, tapping his fingers against his sides while he took his steps. There are so many miniatures placed on top of the wooden rack along with some reference books and novels. Then, moving to the kitchen to look at all things that Hyejung owns in her room.

And that's when his curiousity of everything grows.


Thank you very much for 100+ reads! I love you all, sorry for not being able to update regularly. :'(

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