Valentine's day special

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No romance

Sorry bud


The pitter-patter of rain was the only thing that kept him grounded at this point.As Gaster sat in the endless Void that he currently considers his home, he gazed at the timelines of his beautiful, starry universe. Outertale, it was called. The original pacifist timeline had been drawn out to display itself in front of him. He watched in reminiscence Sans grinned and made a joke, the patrons of Grillby's both laughed and, in Papyrus's case, groaned. Grillby stood with pride behind the counter, his galaxy-like flames bright and dispelling every shadow, both literally and metaphorically. Gaster could only curl in on himself.The Void truly was a lonely place. Gaster's working eye socket widened as he heard the sound of a door creaking, quickly turning around. There stood two human children. He recognized one of them as the king and queen's adopted and deceased child, Chara. Key word being; "Deceased".Beside Chara was another human child, assumably around ten to twelve years of age. They had short, brown hair. They wore a navy blue sweater with two orange stripes at the top, orange overalls with save point accessories, and blue boots with two orange stripes at the top of a mid-calf length.Gaster wore a flabbergasted expression ashe slowly approached the two, slimy sludge staining the "floor" he passed. His damaged hands came up to sign something. *HiThe child's eyebrows raised, but Chara quickly translated. "He said 'Hi'" Their voice was double toned, as though another person spoke with them. The child smiled at the skeleton, their expression drooping slightly at his sad expression, an ever-lasting grin plastered on his face. This monster reminded them a little bit of Sans. "Hello!"They walked up to Gaster, footsteps echoing until they reached him. "I'm Frisk, what's your name?"They held out their hand. Gaster stared at it for a second before shakily putting his hands behind himself. The child frowned."His name is Gaster. Doctor W.D. Gaster."Frisk turned their head to Chara before turning back to Gaster. They held out their hand once again."Would you like to come with us, mister Gaster?" The child didn't waste time, did they?The monster could feel royal blue tears threatening to fall. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve freedom. Even if he did, how could this child possibly. . . ?"So?"Chara asked, walking towards Gaster. The monster flinched and scooted back, his shaky, skeletal hands reaching up to sign something.*Dnt desrvDespite the errors, Chara understood perfectly. They certainly had to as they gripped one of his hands with a death grip, raising it up in the air. It didn't help he was almost shorter than them. Even worse, he could feel magic leaking out of his sockets."Don't give me that shit. You're coming with us. Don't you want to?"The monster tried to hold back sobs. Why was he even crying? The loud static certainly wouldn't do any good to their ears. He could only shiver, the bones left in his body rattling against each other."SO!?"Gaster nodded his skull frantically. Their grip was starting to hurt."Chara, stop it! You're hurting him!""THEN WHY WON'T YOU!?"A loud, piercing static came out from Gaster as he tried to sign with his remaining hand.*DNT DSRVIt didn't work out too well. Chara's grip softened as they lowered his hand, still not letting go. It was more like hand-holding at this point. Frisk stayed quiet."Why wouldn't you deserve it? You deserve as much as anyone does. Hell, you deserve it thousands of times more. So why?"A choked sound escaped the crying monster. Chara let go of his hands.Gaster tried to sign. His hands were too shaky for Chara to understand."Gaster."Said skeleton could barely raise his skull to meet the child's eyes."Why?"His hands were much less prone to shivers as he signed.*Dont deserv-"Why don't you deserve it?"*Done bad-"What have you done that's so bad you have to stay in this hell hole because of it?"*SOULs-Chara laughed humorlessly."Gaster, even dad's gotten over that. So what? Why are you blaming yourself for this?"Gaster had so many reasons Chara would undoubtedly justify. He had so, SO many. He had expirimented on human children, fallen monsters, he had created monsters with the intention to make them into living weapons, he had shattered the SOULs of countless humans, and don't even get him started with anything legal. He has every single right to rot all alone in the Void.*Why don't you just leave me and enjoy yourselves on the surface?"GASTER!"He had never heard his own name be said so many times in what felt like a millenium. He faintly noticed the two childen getting wet from the Void's constant "raining". Wouldn't they get a cold? That was a human sickness, right?"WHY CAN'T YOU GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL THAT PEOPLE CARE ABOUT YOU!?"Gaster's shattered SOUL stopped.*Who could possibly? They don't even remember my name.That was a lie and he barely knew that. it was justified a lie by Sans's attempts to save him. Justified a lie by the dampening in temperature whenever he was there on halloween night, and his constant dreams of him and Gaster that he could barely remember afterwards. Justified a lieby Papyrus knowing something was missing and an empty spot in his SOUL unconciously trying to reach out.He knew this. He felt the lightening in the VOID's defences, He saw Grillby's wariness at times and desperation on some mornings, He felt the pull in his SOUL, mangled and shattered but it was there. But he didn't think they actually cared for him, and that was a severe problem Chara was determined to fix."Liar."Not many words were left, and neither Gaster nor Chara wanted to have to communicate."I think it's time for us to go."Frisk said. They looked to Gaster, extending their hand once again. Only this time, Gaster took a deep breath and grasped it."So let's. . ."They cautiously extended their hand to Chara. The child accepted it."Let's go home."Hand in hand the three exited the Void, the grey door turning to nothing behind them.

___________ FIN _____________

This just.What did I write. What even is this.

I nearly forgot to publish this xd. I was GONNA write him with sans and papyrus, but uh. . . nah. 

Chara's just- Chara's the best thing to ever happen to this one-shot.

Yeah, accept it. Because Chara's gonna be a bit meaner the next time you see them.

This is sort of trashy. Sorry about that.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2019 ⏰

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