welcome to my life.

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Imagine this:

Here you are in the middle of a mall. There are people everywhere but you know absolutely no one there. You are all by yourself wondering how in the world you are going to get out of this fucking mess. Then you see a flash of flourescent red hair, unlike any natural hair you have ever seen. Its quick but your certain that yousaw it through the huddled masses. You rush your way through the crowd receiving many angry jabs and words thrown toward you. You rush after the red hair, but it disappears. You, dissapointed, turn around, looking toward the ground, and walk towards the exit. You bump into a solid figure, who is much taller than you, and smells absolutely fantastic, kind of like a mix of axe and manhood. You look up to apologize but are surprised to see a mass of flourescent red hair on his head. His face is upturned in a smirk as you try to stammer out an apology,

"I-I-Im so-o sorry! I didnt even see you there I was just trying to get out the door because I though you guys were already gone-and-and- fuck now I'm just rambling but oh fuck I'm so sorry."

He looks you straight in the eye as he turns to walk away, saying ,"Watch where you're going bitch", his back being the only thing you see.

Welcome to my life. That is how I met my idols- 5 Seconds of Summer.

HALLOO my lovely readers. This is my first story on here and I'm just going to see how this one goes.

I have a little joke for you;

What did one tampon say to the other?

Nothin cuz they were both stuck up bitchs!


Anyway. I hope you all enjoy and next chappie will be up soon.

Lots of love,

ur mom

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