Five more minutes (5)

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"Prince Mieczyslaw?" Someone yelled from outside the door. "Wake up!"

"NOOOOO!" Stiles groaned. It had been a few weeks since Stiles had come to Asgard. "Eir, I swear. Ha. That rhymes! Wait, no, I'm mad at you. Leave me alone!" Stiles pulled the covers over his head.

"Prince Mieczyslaw, Queen Frigga requests your presence," Eir said, through the door.

"Five more minutes," Stiles mumbled.

"Queen Frigga thought you would say that. She also said that she will be teaching you about your Asgardian side but since you do not want to get out of bed, I will have to notify her." Eir said.

"No! Wait!" Stiles jumped out of bed and ran to the door. He swung the door open, revealing a smirking Eir. Stiles pushed past him and walked out of his room.

"Prince Mieczyslaw." Eir stopped him.

"It's Stiles but what?" Stiles turned around.

"It might serve you well to put on a shirt," Eir smirked. Stiles looked down to see he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"Don't say a word." Stiles threatened, walking back into the room.

"I wouldn't dare," Eir smirked. Stiles went to his closet and pulled out a blue shirt, going well with his black pants. Stiles walked passed Eir once again and mumbled a "thank you."

Stiles made his way to Frigga's quarters. He had learned many new things such as telekinesis, teleportation, mastering turning invisible, reading people's minds, he could also sense and smell people's emotions. Frigga also said he could control people but Stiles quickly declined. Frigga had been impressed with how much magic Stiles has but she wasn't surprised. After all, Stiles held the power of the Tesseract, a nogistune inside him, and Asgardian blood running through him.

Stiles knocked on Frigga's door. A smiling Frigga answered, greeting him with a hug, and ushered him inside. Like every day, she offered him tea, and they drank it, making small talk.

"I have a question," Stiles said.

"Of course," Frigga said, putting down her tea.

"I was reading one of the books you gave me and it said 'Asgardian hold the power of something and are known as the god or goddess of that something." Stiles started.

"And you were questioning if that was true." Frigga finished.

"Yes." Stiles smiled. "And Loki said he was the god of mischief and Thor, the god of Thunder."

"Yes." Frigga sighed. "I wish they were less boastful." They both laughed.

"You did a good job with them." Stiles smiled.

"Sometimes, I do not believe that." Frigga sighed.

"You should," Stiles said. "Everyone makes mistakes and you shouldn't blame yourself for Loki or Thor's actions."

"My one wish is for them to be brothers. To love each other, blood related or not." Frigga said.

"They will, eventually." Stiles smiled.

"Perhaps. Perhaps not." Frigga said. "I just hope I will be able to see the day. To answer your question, yes, every Asgardian or a being raised in Asgard is blessed with a gift, making that individual gods or goddesses. And so are you." Stiles did a spit take, spraying his tea all over his lap. Frigga laughed.

"I. Me. Stiles. Is the god of something?" Stiles gaped.

"Yes." Frigga smiled. "And since you are the son of the Alfather, you will be the god of many things and very powerful things to the universe."

"Okay." Stiles was shocked. "How do I learn what I'm the god of?"

"Normally, Asgardians learn when they are a child but with you, I could perform a spell."

"It's not gonna hurt. Right?" Stiles asked.

"No, my dear. The spell will simply cause you to know." Frigga said.

"Like, right away?" Stiles asked.

"Yes." Frigga smiled. "Would you like me to do it?"

"Yes, please," Stiles said. Frigga began to chant. "Oh, we're doing this now. Got it."

The steam, from the tea, began to rise. The steam started forming little blobs in the air. Frigga stopped chanting and the steam formed words.

"Holy crap," Stiles said, reading the words. "Thank you."

"Of course, dear." Frigga smiled. "You will have to be careful. These gifts are very powerful and necessary to everyday life."

"Thank you and I will." Stiles smiled. "I think I'm gonna go. Is it alright if we skip lessons today?"

"Of course." Frigga smiled, walking to the bookshelf. "But before you go. I have more books for you." She handed Stiles six books. "These are advanced and I think you will need them."

"Thank you," Stiles said again.

Stiles walked to his room but before he could sit down, someone frantically knocked on his door. Stiles groaned and opened the door.

"Prince Mieczyslaw. Prince Thor requests your presence in the infimary. He states it is urgent."


What do you think Stiles is the god of? Hint: it's several things. ;)

We're finally getting into the actual movie!!

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