George H. X Male Reader

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Yn is your name and ln is last name

Also forgot about this so not published it yet, oops

I walk down the school hallway heading to my first class. I accidentally bump into a few people, per usual and see a couple snogging. Lucky them. I wish I could kiss who ever I love  that way, in public. Why the hell am I queer? Guess the world just wants to fuck me over.

I head in the classroom and sit in the middle area. I get my notebook I use for random shit. I start to shade the page for no reason. I look around and see none of my friends. Why? Oh yeah, I don't have any. I go back to shading the page.


"SHIT!" I yell from being startled and accidentally throw my notebook. Fuck, the teacher called on me. And guess who I accidentally threw my notebook at? George Harrison, the most beautiful boy in the world. At least to me. Others think he's 'average', but look at his perfect face. So amazing.

"Mr.ln, one you were not paying attention and second useing profanity. Shame on you." She said and whacked her ruler on my hand and god did it sting. 

"Erm, yn, ye notebook kinda hit me in the head." George said handing it to me. I smiled embarrassed and took it from him and muttered a quick thanks. 

"Well we are going to have a project. You can pick who ye are with, but only one other person." She went and sat at her desk. Well don't have any friends so let's see who doesn't get in a group. I wait for about a minute and George approach's me.

"So want to be a pair? I didn't really know anyone in here and it seems so with ye also, if's it ok with ye." He seemed nervous.

"I'm all good with that mate, want to meet at yer house?"I ask, hopefully not blushing.

"Yeah sounds great" he smiles at me.

Now, present time. They were 15, but now 17.

"Wait, ye going to Hamburg to play? And ye want me to come with ya?"

"Yeah, we're going and I don't want ye to be alone because we are going to go for a wile." George says, not totally sure of himself it seems. I would love to go, but would he find out I'm queer for him there? Fuck it

"I would love to, so when should I be ready?"

"By next Saturday, I'll come and pick ye up around 11am." He smiles 

"Perfect" I smile back


"Ok, so one room has one queen bed and one has three twin beds. I think George and yn should have the one with one bed 'cause ya know, there pretty close friends. Then John, Pete and I will have the other one, sound good?" Paul was telling the room situation to us and we all agree and go to the rooms to unpack and go to bed since we got here in the late evening. They won't play until tomorrow night.

I look at the room we have, it's cheep but clean. Everything is old and kinda crappy but clean and smells nice so that's a plus.

George and I get unpack and get ready for bed. Before we go to bed we play cards and talk about random things wile my portable record player plays in the background. We then have a smoke on the balcony that looks like it will fall apart any moment. It's dark and it's so beautiful, oh the stars and the city. I start to slowly get closer to Geo and lay my head on his shoulder in a joking way but I love it. 

"Geooo, I'm tired. Carry me to beddd." I playfully wine

"Ah yer too heavy ya big baby, don't want yer dad to break his back do ya now?" He smirks 

"Who cars dad."  I smirk right back.

"Let's get to bed yn, got to sleep." He said wile going inside, I follow and we both get in bed and turn the lights off.

"Goodnight yn"

"Goodnight George"


Fuck I can't  sleep, been laying down for about an hour or so. I've been really wanting to cuddle up to George,  but what if he is awake still? Well just do it. I put my arm around him and pull myself closer to him, I do it fast so that if he is awake he'll hopefully think I'm asleep. He then faces me and I close my eyes, he also puts his arm around me. 

"Yn? I know yer awake." Well um shit? I open my eyes and see him looking at me.

"Why did ye cuddle up to me?" He askes

"Well, why did ye cuddle me back?" I reply

"I asked first, but I like ya romantically and I know yer queer so I figured it would be ok." He what

"What the fuck, you like me? Holy shit!" I grab his face and slam our lips together. He starts to kiss back. He holds me tighter to him and I put one of my hand in his hair. We pull apart for quick breaths but continue.

We eventually stop and lay back down and just look at each other.

"As much as I would love to kiss ye face off and do much more  I'm quite tired. But uh want to be a couple? But no one would know for obvious reasons. But we can kiss and do couple shit and more if ya want." He looks nervous but also confident.

"I would be happy too, I'm also tired so let's sleep love."

"Goodnight love as well." Geo said and gave me one last kiss. We cuddle and fell asleep.

Hope you enjoyed this, hopefully more to come so yeah. Bye!

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