Paul M. X Male Reader

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Hey thanks for 1k views! I feel like it was a week ago when it was 500 and a month when it was 30 lol.

I sit on my bed thinking and wishing I wasn't here. Why is life so shitty? I stand and put on Abby Road side two so here comes the sun plays, that allows makes me happy. I've thought about killing my self before. I almost have multiple times. If I'm not slightly happy by the end of the song I've told my self I'll go through with it. Every time I feel happy so I don't.

The song ends and I don't feel any differently, I guess today is my day. You may think that that's a dumb reason to die, you don't feel happy after a song but I've felt this way for years! Since I was fucking 8! You know how long that is for me? 14 years. It has been extreme in different times of my life, sometimes very mild. But now is the worst and I can't handle it. 

I decided the way I'll die, getting hit by a car. Easy and hopefully less painful then other methods. Plus I live in London on a simi busy road so there will pretty much be a car there whenever.

I exit my flat leaving my pre written note and a few past ones taped to the wall next to the door. I go down to the side walk and wait for a speeding car and run in front of it.

"Are you ok mate? I'm really sorry." I hear and look and see young Paul McCartney. What the hell? I look and see I'm fine just a bit sore from falling. I look around and notice I'm where I was but, looks like it the 60's. Holly fuck, what is happening?!

"Uh, I guess. Did you see how I got here?" I ask really confused wile Paul helps me stand.

"No, it's dark. Are you ok? You seem confused? Do you need a ride home?" He asks holding my arm looking in my eyes concerned.

"I think I'm ok and I don't really have a home it seems." I say, because my flat is someone else's at the moment. I'm homeless it seems. 

"Well, you can stay at my place if you want. But I get it if you don't want to, I could get you a hotel for the night if you feel better about that." He says still concerned. 

"If you don't mind I would like to stay with you." I ask shyly. He smiles and nods. 

"Of course, let's get in the car and head over yeah?" He asks and I nod. We get in and he turns it on and the radio is blaring but he turns it down.

"Oh I'm so sorry I forgot to say my name, I'm yn. You should probably know my name since I'm stay at your place." I say embarrassed. He smiles.

"Well, nice to meet you yn, I'm Paul." He smiles again at me.

"I know who you are, but I don't know how this happened really." I say looking in my lap.

"How what happened?" He asked

"Well, um this really. I shouldn't be here." I say

"In what way should you not be here?" He asks even more confused. 

"Well you will think I'm crazy and may feel uncomfortable but who gives a shit, I'm confused as hell and kinda scared." I sigh and he looks at me and gives me a smile that I get as to go on.

"Well, I've been feeling down a lot and thought about suicide quite a lot and felt it was finally time to go. So I left my flat and walked down to the road and ran in front of a speeding car and blacked out. Then wake up to you and look around, that I'm in the 60's. I'm not even born for another 30 years! I shouldn't be alive! I'm not born yet and I'm pretty sure as hell I died. Now I'm with none other then sir Paul McCartney in his early 20's when in my time you are 77! I know I sound crazy. If you want you can kick me out of the car it's fine." I look down.

"I'm not gonna throw you out. But I'm not saying I believe what you are saying. This is too confusing so we'll talk about it tomorrow. But what you are saying could be true, so we'll see." He then smiles at me. Oh he probably thinks I'm high or something. Great.

We go to his flat and he sets me up on the couch and bid goodnight. I get cozy and fall asleep.

Once we both woke up he made breakfast and we talked over it. We talked more and I eventually got Paul to believe me. He is still shocked about it. I don't tell him much about the future Incase something I say could change time. He also says that as long as I'm stuck here I can stay with him. 

"But what if I'm stuck here forever? And what about when you have a wife?" I ask him perplexed.

"Hey don't worry about that now. I'm not gonna get a wife or lady friend move in with us anytime soon." He smiles and puts his hand on mine on the table. We look at each other and we start to lean in and-

"PAUL! OPEN UP MATE!" John fucking Lennon says.

"Seriously? Now?" He gets annoyed but smiles down at me and walks over to the door. "What ya want Lennon?" He asks clearly agitated.

"Oi, what's got yer knickers in a twist? Got a bird ye shagged last night and trying to impress her?" John asks with a slight laugh. Paul just looks at him blankly and says nothing. "Well ok, the reason I came is I came up with some lyrics and I wanted to work on them with you!" John says almost jumping.

"I would love too, but I'm not feeling all that shabby so if ye wouldn't mind, leave. I'll see ya at the studio mate." He says calmly and shuts the door. He then comes back over my way and smirks. He lifts me up so I'm now standing and kisses me. We hold each other and I back him against the counter and start to kiss and suck his neck, probably leaving a love bite or two. 

You can guess what happens now.

Sorry this I was liking but the end was weak. At the moment I'm in Florida on vacation with my mom and family friends, so I may be able to update often, or not. We'll see. At the moment I'm sharing a bed with my friend for the week, and he has no clue what I'm doing so I'm guessing I will. 

Sorry I'm not making sense, I haven't slept in 39 hours. I'm energetic but so worn out man. Well I'll leave now. Probably gonna try and sleep. Have a good day or evening and love ya.

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