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So I'm back mates, still gonna be a bit for an update. End of the school year is nearing and as I'm writing this the night before an orchestra trip to Cleveland. Once again going to the rock and roll hall of fame but I'm gonna be PLAYING THERE! I'm on drums because I just don't wanna play violin there. So yeah, a little update.

No smut, but does suggest that it happens(heated make out). so if ya not cool with that, skip this chapter.

"PAUL!" I yell at that doe faced beauty who I call my boyfriend.  He turns and smiles at me.

"George" he says trying to act all proper. I laugh and hit his shoulder.

"What ya doing after school love? Me parents out of town, wanna sleep over?" I say in a suggestive manor.

"Yeah, I'll come over. Just would need to stop by me house and grab some clothes for tomorrow. I'll call me da latter." Paul says but in a neutral way since we are in public, in school. Everyone would hate us and we'd get arrested if anyone knew we were queer. I smile and bid bye and go to my class since he's a year ahead of me we don't have any classes together.

I stand outside of the school and smoke a fag waiting for Paul. I'm stilling on the steeps and look up at the sky and relax.

"Geo! Ye awake? There ya are, come on, let's go." He says pulling me off my arse. He steals my fag a few times to take a drag wile we are walking o get his stuff. We get there and I wait in his front garden. 

He comes out of the house with a bag and his guitar case. We then head to my place. As we walk in he drops his guitar in the living room and goes to put his bag in my room. I go to the kitchen to make us some sandwiches and tea. We'll go to a fish shop in a few hours or so then probably have...... some fun.

We eat and play guitar. We also talk and listen to records. Cuddle on the couch some and I ask if he's ready to head to the fish shop, so we head over.

"Hey geo, can ye get a table and I'll order. Sound good?" Paul asks

"Of course love." I head over to a two person booth. I wait for about 5 minutes and Paul comes back with two things of fish and chips. We start to eat and talk, have a good time. Then a girl comes over twirling her hair with her finger and shyly looking at Paul.

"Uh hey Dot, what ya want?" Paul asked nervously. I give 'Dot' a death glare that could kill. 

"I was wondering if you would be interested in uh, going out on a date?"

"Well too bad, Paul has a partner and they are quite serious, Doll ." I reply harshly.

"Oh uh sorry Paul." Dot says sadly and walks away.

"Ye didn't have to be so rude, you know I would have politely declined her." Paul says looking at me. 

"Yeah yeah, sorry. Just protective" I reply still angry. We don't say much after and the walk home is very quiet. We reach my house and we get in.

"Mind if we go to my room love" I say in a rush

"Uh shur-" I grab his wrist and head to my room quickly, not bothering to shut the door because nobody's home but us. He looks kinda confused, but I see he is starting to catch on. I ram him into a wall, pin him and kiss him. A soft one, quite opposite of how I'm acting. I move to his jaw and kiss him with love. I move to his neck and nibble at some bits, probably leaving a love bite or few. 

"George, I love you" Paul says in a weak voice. 

"I love to too Paul and shut the fuck up unless you don't want this." He nods and I start to take off his shirt and much more. You can guess what happened that night.

I don't know what the fuck I just wrote. Remember  you can request stuff! Probably will happen unless I have no clue what to do. Also may not update for a bit but if ya want to request. Hope you enjoy! Have a nice day or night and love ya!

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