Ringo S. X Male Reader

685 19 17

Hey, I'm sort of back. Hope this is ok.

Yn is first name as usual.

13 year old you at the moment

I look down at my wrist, my birthmark more importantly. Everyone has one, somewhere. Mine looks like a blob of paint that was splattered with 3 dots in the middle. Someone else in this world has the same mark, my "soulmate" as everyone says. 

I hope she's pretty, and has nice wavy long hair. Maybe ginger hair and has freckles. She would wear cat eye glasses with her hair in a ponytail. Nice blouse and a skirt, would have her own leather jacket because she's rebellious.   I just feel like that is what she would look like. 

Some say that when you meet that special someone you feel different about them compared to everyone else. You don't realize it at first but when you see that mark, you know. You love them and they love you. You just do. Seems nice I would imagine.

22 year old you now, 1964

I hear my alarm and turn it off. I get up and use the loo. I clean up for the day, like brushing teeth, shaving, putting on cologne and more. Once I exit I put on a button down shirt that's grey with orange stripes on it. I then put a jacket over it and put on some slacks and shoes.

I go to the kitchen to make myself a quick breakfast of egg and toast. I also brew some tea and listen to the radio with Peggy Lee on at the moment.  Once I finish I head to the door and leave for the day along with my wallet.

I go to the bus and get on to head to the studio. Now, what exactly is my job you ask? I'm kind of a slave to the Beatles. I go get them tea, food, fags, new set of strings or sticks and pretty much anything they want or need.

May not seem like much but gotta remember, there are four of them. Some of the things they want or across town, hard to get and time consuming. It pays well enough, I am feed and have a home. Even if that home is a crappy and stingy apartment, I'm not on the streets so that's gear.

I get off at my stop and walk a few blocks down the road to the studio. I great the lady at the front desk and head to the studio. 

"John, quite being difficult and bloody listen to me! You have to were these suits to keep an image! And you son of a bi- good morning yn, how are you?" Brian turns to me and smiles. John makes a face at Brian and then waves at me.

"'m alright, ye?" I ask as I go to the corner with two sofas and a coffee table. I light a cigarette.

"Just fine" he says and goes back to arguing with John. I smile and nod at Paul who returns it. George isn't here yet. Rings comes to set next to me and talk, like usual before we settle.

"Morning good lookin', how are ya on this fine day?" He says as he sits next to me with a hot cup of tea.

"Pretty good now" I smile at him. There is something different about him that I just can't put my finger on. It's not bad, it's good. We talk for a bit about our morning and last night and a few other topics. He goes to take a drink of hot tea but misses and pours it on himself.

"Ow!" He says standing 

"Oh shit! Go to the bathroom and I'll get you a shirt." I quickly say and go to a closet where there are some extra cloths for them if they forgot their suit or something for an event. I grab a white button down and scurry to the bathroom. 

Ringo is facing the mirrors with his shirt off. He turned to face me and smiles.

"I got that shirt for ya." I say and prop my self up on a sink.

"Thanks again, I could have done it myself but thanks." He smiles. I notice that he has some discoloring on his shoulder, I think that's a birthmark. Wait, it looks a lot like mine. 

"Uh, Rich is that yer birthmark on yer shoulder?" I ask starting to get shorter breaths

"Yeah, are you ok?" He asks putting a had on my shoulder, now having his shirt half way buttoned. I look at him for a bit and pull my sleeve up some so he can see my birthmark. He looks at me considered and looks at where I'm rolling up my sleeve.

"Holy fuck, we're soulmates." He looks back up at me. I feel so awkward.

"Well, how about I take you on a date tonight at 7, sound good?" He asks smiling at me.

"But we could get locked up! What will people think?!" I start to panic.

"Hey, calm down" He puts his other hand on my face. "We'll be fine, we will look like two friends and people won't assume that. It will be ok. Brian's queer so  everyone else in the band will be fine with it." He smiles at me.

"Ok then, I'm still scared but that sounds good."

4 months later

I moan as Rich sucks at my neck, he then pulls away and kisses me sloppily and I push him against the shelf. I then start to suck at his neck making him moan as I unbutton his shirt.

John's POV 

"Where the hell are Rings and yn? We are supposed to be recording right now! Break ended 10 minutes ago!" Paul says having a little hissy fit.

"Their probably just shagging again" I say calmly.

"What the hell do ye mean?" George says

"Ye heard me, have ya not walked in on them?"

"No" George and Paul say

"How?! I 'ave about 3 bloody times!"

"What's going on? Where's Ringo?" Brian says entering

"Apparently shagging yn" George says looking at the ground shocked still.

"What?" He says

"Yer not the only queer here now" I wink at him.

"Ya mean yerself John?" Paul smirks at me.

"Oi! Shut up! I was drunk, and only once!" I sorta yell at Paul.

"Only drunk and once my arse." Paul says chuckling.

"What the fuck is happening?" George says putting his hands on his head, then curling up in the fetus position on the couch.

I fell asleep half way through writing this lol. But I'm kinda happy with how this turned out. I'm gonna go see a hard days night at this nice theater in my city tomorrow with some friends so that will be pretty fun. Have a nice day or night mates. Bye for now.

Ps leave a suggestion for a one shot when ever if ya want to.

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