John L. X male reader

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Hey so I'm sorry the last one wasn't all that great. As I said I was busy and I will be for about 2weeks so I may not update for a tad after this.

Yn is first name, ln is last name and yc is the city you live in/from (unless you live in/ are from Liverpool, then choose a city you like) 

My family just moved because my dad just got a new job. We used to live in yc but now Liverpool. I didn't really have friends or anything special in yc, so it's not that bad. Just a pain to move I'd say. I also have to go to a new school, Qurrybank High. I doubt I'll make any friends but ya never know. 

I wake up and realize it's the first day of school. I get up and go down the stairs to the kitchen and make myself coffee/tea/whatever drink ya want, could be beer for all I care. I also make breakfast for the rest of my family. When I'm done I go up to get dressed. Once I'm done everyone else is waking up and we all eat. Have some small talk and talk about it being the first day of school. I finnish and go up to get my book bag and lunch money. I say good bye to everyone and head to school.

I'm walking to school because it's not too far and I really don't want mum to drive me. I hum and sing some songs I like and make my way there. As I grow closer to the building air get quite nervous and I start to feel my hands get sweaty. I head into the building and head to the first class I have. They sent us a letter on what we wanted for class and a few weeks later told us our schedule was. I go in the room and sit towards the back as to get less attention.

Class has been going for a bit, and I'm just getting worse with my nerves. I feel like I'll puke. What a great first day, puking the first day. Fun. I really felt like I'm going to. Shit. What do I do?!

"Um, Mr. I'm really not feeling well, can I use the restroom?" Please please please let me.

"Mr.ln, go ahead. But if I find out ye skip or something ye won't be aloud to use the restroom in me class." I nod and practically run for the restrooms.

I get in and run to the stall. I start to puke my guts out. I stop for a bit and then have to again. I feel someone rubbing my back and saying things along the lines of 'it's okay' 'I'm here' and whatnot. I eventually stop and look at who was the mysterious person. He was one of those teddy boys. He looked tough but why the hell is he helping me?

"Ye alright love?" He whispers and has a look of concern. I'm sitting on the gross tile and he's crouching next to me, now has his hand on my shoulder.

"I will be, why did you help me? You seem pretty tough, seems like you would beat the shit out of me." I reply.

"I seem that way, but I can be nice if I want. I thought ye need some support and turns out ye are pretty handsome" he winks at me. I blush and look away. "Okay, let's rinse yer mouth out so ye don't have that throw up taste." 

He helps me and I'm still shaking slightly. Once I'm done he looks at me and starts to get closer, I close my eyes and start to lean in too. I feel his breath on my lips and then he moves to my ear and whispers "meet me after school in the back to continue this at my place." He comes back and kisses me. I look at him and smile and nod. He similes and quickly leaves. Now only have to wait 6 hours to see him.

Wait, I'm queer? Shit. 

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