A Mysterious Stranger Pt. 1

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***Aria's POV***

    After a long day of calls with prospective authors, disgruntled co-workers, and coffee runs for my boss, I wanted nothing more than to sit down and drink an Ultra Caramel Frappuccino.  So that is what I did.  A school friend invited Skye over to her house, so I had a few hours of free time.  I was taking that time to catch up on some good novels inside The Brew with my coffee and a cookie.

    Just as my spy thriller was getting good, my phone buzzed with a text alert.  I opened my phone without a second thought, thinking that it must be my boss or the mom of the girl Skye was playing with.  It was not.  It was just an anonymous text saying:

Looks like you've got some feuding boy-toys.  You'd better stop them before one of them gets hurt. 🔪🔪🔪


    There was a link attached.  I clicked on it and I saw pictures of Jake and Ezra looking mad and getting violent with each other.  But, "A" didn't give me and address!  I decided to look for context clues and noticed that they were on Main Street just a few blocks from here.

    I ran out of The Brew with my book, coffee, and food and sprinted down Main Street.  After turning onto a few streets and running down a few blocks, I saw them hashing it out on a deserted avenue.  

    "Well, you went to jail for raping teenagers when you were 19 and I think that one of those teenagers was Aria!" I heard Ezra shout at Jake.  I reeled back, stung by many things.  I hated to be reminded of all the horrible things Jake did to me, but him saying that made it all come flooding back.  Also, why did he care so much about me?  I mean, I know he's a mandatory reporter, but that was years ago and doesn't matter.  Jake served his time.

    Jake smirked his all-too-familiar smirk.  "Well, Mr.  Know-It-All, I have much more on Aria than you have on me.  My jail time is old news and the stuff I have on her is anything but that.  It's some deep shit." My blood turned to ice.  I couldn't listen to any more of this.  

    I ran forward, positioning myself between the two.  They both looked surprised to see me, Jake fixing me with his cool, calculating gaze and Ezra looking shocked and slightly mortified, but I could tell he wouldn't back down.  

    "Both of you," I started, my voice sounding much stronger than I thought I had the strength for, "Shut up and leave.  Now."  I gave them my best death stare.  "I hope you know I mean it."  

    Jake made the first move, scoffing.  He walked away in the opposite direction I was going in, so I started to walk away.  I could tell that Ezra was trying to follow me, so I decided to shut that down.

    "Don't, Ezra." I called over my shoulder.  This would have to be settled another way.  For now, I had to find out who this "A" person was.   

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