Deceptions And Lunch Dates

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***Spencer's POV***

    Damn, who knew running a senatorial candidate's campaign could be such a hard and unforgiving job?  I mean, I had already been giving 100% of my time, energy, and focus to Candidate Philips and her campaign, but with this "A" person, I was completely off my game.  Not to mention, I had a spunky, inquisitive 6-year-old to take care of.

    Thank goodness for Yvonne.  Initially, I was hesitant to work with the daughter of the Candidate Philips, but she had proven herself to be useful and fun to work with.  An incredible combination that can be pretty hard to find, so she was definitely a win-win.

    Thankfully, the thoughts in my brain eventually quieted, so I was able to get some work done, and I was truly "in the zone".  I decided to just skip lunch altogether and eat a granola bar later in the afternoon.

    I was working on that week's poll reports that I didn't notice when Toby sat down next to me with a bag full of Mediterranean takeout.  I only noticed when he started waving the bag in my face.  

    "Shiiiit." I said slowly, raising my eyes from my computer screen with an apologetic look on my face.  "I am so sorry, Toby.  I completely spaced on getting lunch.  It's just, I haven't been able to focus all morning, and then I was i-"

    He stopped me by raising his hand, a gesture of silence.  He smiled teasingly and I realized that he wasn't mad.  I sighed with relief.  I really didn't want my forgetfulness to mess up this amazing thing we have going together.

    "Don't worry about it, Spence," I smiled when he used my nickname, "When I'm really focused on a case, I can sometimes be there until 8:30 at night and not even realize it.  You're just passionate- in fact, that's one of the main things I like about you."

    I blushed.  God, how does that guy manage to make me blush after everything he says.  Seriously, he could put that skill on a resume.

    "Well, let's eat.  Honestly, I was going to wait to have lunch, but I am starving." I bite into my falafel and rip off a piece of pita bread.    

    All of a sudden, I see Yvonne walking by and I remembered that I'd been meaning to introduce her to Toby.  I wave her over and she walks over right away.

    "Hey, Yvonne, I don't think you've met my boyfriend, Toby." My gaze shifted from Yvonne to Toby.  "Toby, this is Yvonne.  She's Candidate Philips's daughter and my co-worker." I looked back to Yvonne and smiled.  She sent a sweet grin back to me.  

    My phone let out a buzz, alerting me to a text message.  Thinking it might be work, I open my texts.  It's not work.

Just think, I could spill your secret and your boyfriend might not be as understanding about yout forgetfulness.  And wasn't it your Hastings name that got you this job, too?  Chew on that.


    My face pales.  Suddenly, my brain starts thinking about all the terrible things that would happen if Toby, Yvonne, or Candidate Philips knew my secret.  I could lose my job, Annabeth could be taken away from me and raised by my parents, or sent into the foster system.  I would lose Toby for sure.  He's a police officer, he doesn't take lightly to lying.  Suddenly, my falafel tastes like sawdust.

    I eat the rest of the meal with bad thoughts spinning through my head.  Toby and Yvonne chat and I could swear that Toby looks at me sadly a couple of times, though with being so distracted, I couldn't say for sure.

    After about 15 minutes of contemplating my own doom, I decided to break from all this negative thinking.  I turn to talk to Toby and see him flirting with Yvonne.  What?  I thought he actually cared about me!  

    I storm over to the two of them and, in a raised voice, say "Oh, I see what's really going on here." and then I storm out, not giving either of them a chance to explain because, frankly, I don't want their shitty explanations.

    As I race out of the campaign headquarters, I get another text.

See?  He's already moving onto Yvonne when you're distant for one lunch.  Just one.  Think how easy it will be for him to cut you out of his life completely.  XOXO, Bitch


    I shriek and throw my phone into the bushes, before grabbing it, stalking off to my car, and putting my head on the steering wheel and just sobbing my heart out.  Whoever this "A" bitch is, I will make them suffer for all the harm they've caused everyone, I swear that.

***Yvonne's POV***

    After apologizing to Toby and giving him my best innocent look, I walk into a deserted room inside Mom's campaign headquarters.  I take out my phone and pull up Archer Dunhill's contact info. 

    Once I'd gotten Spencer jealous, I'd been told to text him that the mission had been successful, so that was what I did.  I shot him a quick text saying

The plan worked.  Toby's falling hard and Spencer's pissed.

    I shoved my phone back into my pocket and grinned.  I really will do anything for 25 grand.  Then, I tilted my head back and laughed.





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