Tensions Flare...

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***Jake's POV***

    I meant it when I said "That bitch is gonna get what she deserves."  So, I opened my laptop and typed in "Aria Marie Montgomery" into my Google search bar.  Immediately, stuff came up.  

    I clicked on an article in the Philadelphia Inquirer that was written by her.  Boring, but it was good writing.  I found her birth record.  Huh, didn't know that they put those online, but still.  Boring.  Finally I found a moving record and an article talking about her parents' divorce.  I also found out that they split because her dad cheated with one of his students, someone named Meredith Sorenson.  DAMN.  I just struck investigative and blackmail gold.  I copy-and-pasted the link onto an email I composed.  My bosses would be awestruck once I handed them this useful info on a silver platter. 

***Ezra's POV***

    This Jake guy seemed extremely shady, so I followed him for a while and finally overheard his last name while talking to someone on the phone.  He was talking to his boss/sibling, maybe at his job, and he said "Yeah, I know.  We're Dunhills, we will finish what we started."

    I sat down at my computer and entered the name "Jake Dunhill" into my Google search bar.  Immediately, stuff came up.  It said that he was arrested in 2010 for raping underage women when he was 19 and was in jail for 7 years.  He got out a year early for good behavior.  The jail document said he was released...2 weeks ago.  

    Oh shit.  If he immediately searched out Aria and found her, he must really want revenge.  And as we all know: revenge is a dish best served cold.

    I had to find her.  And him.

***Jake's POV***

    I grabbed my printed-out dirt on Aria and her family and walked out the door.  I'd found some other stuff on her family such as the fact that her mom's ex-fiance was arrested for molesting a teenager right after they broke up.  He went to jail for 5 years, too.  Trust me, that can really mess up someone's life, and I speak from personal experience.  Anyway, back to my walking.

    I was on my way to the place where my bosses and I met, when all of a sudden, someone shouted my name.  I turned around...

***Ezra's POV***

    I was searching all over Rosewood for this guy, but decided not to get the police involved.  Based on the way Aria talked to this guy, he had something on her and I didn't want to jeopardize the safety of her or her daughter.  Suddenly, I noticed a familiar flash of hair disappearing around the corner of Main Street.  

    It was Jake.

    Against my better judgement, I called out to him.  The street was pretty deserted, so if things got messy, it would be easy to keep it quiet.  

    "Hey!  You, Jake Dunhill!" I didn't really know what to do when he turned around.  He looked confused and off-guard, but also looked ready to beat me up if I got in his way.  I decided to take a risk and show him all my cards in the hopes that he would show me his...

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