Old Friends Pt. 1 (Changing POV's)

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***Hanna's POV***

    I grabbed Jonathan's hand and we got out of the car.  We had arrived at our destination.  I clicked the "lock" button on the car-key and heard the little "chirp" when the doors locked.  I looked around as we hurried into the gates.  I didn't want anyone seeing me.  Small towns are basically meant for gossiping and I didn't want to take the risk of anyone noticing me and my son entering the dreaded Radley Sanitarium.

    We walked up to the front desk and got our name-tags from the woman working there.  The tags had our names and the name of the patient we were visiting: Mona Vanderwaal.  

    Mona was the reason Jonny and I had moved to Rosewood in the first place.  Her dad died when she was 5 and her mom passed away over 3 years ago.  When Mona was 19, she went into a state of advanced hyper-reality because of the stresses of high school and pent up anxiety about the death of her father.  She was really put over the edge when her mom died, so she was sent to live in Radley Sanitarium.  Children always calmed her down and she was my closest friend in high school, so Jonathan and I moved to Rosewood to spend time with her.  Jonny knew to not tell anyone about her, so it was our secret.  

    I was lost in thought as Jonny and I walked down the hall, so I didn't notice the security guard trying to get my attention, until I ran into him standing in front of Mona's door.

    "Oh!" I exclaimed, stunned.

    He looked alarmed.  "Miss, didn't you notice me trying to get your attention?"

    "Uh, no.  Sorry.  Whenever I come here, it makes my brain a bit foggy." I told him.  I finally looked closely at his face.  It was a friendly face, and I could tell he wasn't really mad at me.  

    I spoke up again.  "Sorry to have bumped into you like that, Mr...?"

    "Rivers." He finished quickly.  "Caleb Rivers."

***Caleb's POV***

    The blonde lady nodded when she heard my name.  She really was very pretty, but she must've been married because of the kid.  At least, I thought it was her kid.  But, she looked a little young to be a mom.  Well, to each their own.

    "Well, I'm Hanna Marin."

    Hanna.  A nice name.  It sounded like a name of a woman who would take no prisoners.  I decided that I liked this Hanna lady.  She didn't seem like your average Radley visitor.

    "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Marin."  As soon as I said that, I knew I'd messed up.  Her gaze immediately became guarded and she shook her head quickly and sharply.

    "Miss Marin.  My mom is Mrs. Marin." She let out a little chuckle, but I could tell it was forced.  "And, I need to visit my friend, so if there's nothing wrong with out name-tags, my son and I will be going."  She beckoned to her son, who had been standing in the background, silently, the entire time.  "Come on, Jonathan." I heard her murmur.

    I had to apologize before she hated me forever, God knows what I did wrong.

    "Um, Miss?" She turned around. "I'm sorry if I screwed up.  I don't really know what I said wrong."

    She smiled sadly. "It's my fault.  I'm very uncomfortable around strangers and you reminded me of someone, who I need to forget.  Thanks for apologizing, though.  I really appreciate it." She smiled, for real this time.  "Oh and one last thing,"


    She got a wicked gleam in her eyes. "Just call me Hanna."

    "Then you call me Caleb."

    Hanna nodded.  "Well then, I'll see you next time, Caleb Rivers."

    She sauntered down the hall, son in tow.  But when she wasn't looking, he turned around and waved at me.  I waved back, thinking, maybe this job won't be so bad after all.   


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