Chapter 3

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A/N: Tune Here. PRAISE THE SUN NO HOMEWORK!!!!!!! Anyway I could imagine you have heard the news, I got no homework! I also got no grammer....So anyway I will try to update during this weekend when I can hopefully I won't be a lazy ass like the lazy ass I am. Did that make sense? I don't know I drank brain food. (A.K.A bannana, milk, ice, and coffe milkshake can you call it a milkshake...... I don't know anymore.) Sorry if your hearing my mad man ramblings so anyway CHAPTER THREE OF THE GOLDEN!!!!! Tune out~

Mavin's P.O.V

I was sitting on a chair in the office waiting for my 'father' to get here to pick me up. I honestly had no idea how he would react. What the hell are you talking about Mavin of course you do. While sitting on that chair I realized how much my life turning into crap and how I was doing nothing to stop it. Well, what could I do? I looked down to my side and saw my backpack and picked it up. Mom bought it for me a few weeks ago, and she would always get 'only the very best' for me. I just...... I just love my mom. The bond between us is so strong after what happened to my brother. I still remembered it like it was yesterday, sitting on the uncomfortable hospital chairs. My head leaning on my father while he cried. I was so young back then, so naive to the world. Mom was having another baby and you think I would be happy. That day that mom got back from the hospital I asked her where he was.

"Your brother isn't going to be here for a little while, but he'll be back before you know it buddy." She said, tears forming in her eyes. Back then I didn't know what was happening, but I didn't want to ask anybody about it since. A few years later I finally realized that he was a stillborn.

I snapped back to reality when I heard the office door open and see someone walk in. I instantly knew who the person was when he walked up to the front desk. It was my father. The lady in the front desk was first to talk.

"Hello sir, what can I do for you today?" She asked, looking up from the computer.

"I would like to pick up my son early." He said. I think he's not drunk...or he's acting which he is doing a pretty good job of it.

"Oh yes, your son is Mavin Carter right?" She asked.

"Yeah, that's me." He said shooting a glare at me, while I looked at the ground, avoiding it.

"Well he got into a fight earlier this morning, and we recommend him to get some rest at home."

"I'll make sure he does."He said looking back to her. Yeah right he is. I'll be lucky if I can even stand from what I'm going to get into tonight.

A/N:Heyo! So anyway here is chapter 3 of the golden so hope you like it. Please don't hate me for the meh cliffhanger! So I'll try to update one more chapter but no promises. Bye! Tune out~

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