Chapter 10

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Ryan's P.O.V

As we walked back to class Mavin was avoiding eye contact and still wasn't talking to me. I decided not to question it and not be to nosey about the situation, he's already beed through so much. We were greeted by Mrs. Fostern by the door and the usual happened. We sat in class and followed Mrs. Fostern's directions. We started working on a group writing and we are going to present it next Friday. The writing we are working on is creative, which I'm thankful for because I do not want to do reseach for a historical or biography. Mavin, Grey, Aaron, and I all decided to do a horror/romantic. We started and someone came into our classroom, it was Mark. My teacher turned to him, earning my classes attention.

"May I help you Mark?" My teacher asked him. Mark made eye-contact with me for a split second before talking.

"I got in trouble, Mrs. Fostern." He stated looking down. A few of my classmates snickered, and whispered to eachother. 

"Oh my God, again! This is the 2nd time this week!" One of the girls whispered to her friends.

"I wonder what he did this time." Another stated. Mrs. Fostern told him to stand at the back of the room and to not interupt us. He walked over to us, facing the window. As we contined to work we saw him scratcing his wrist every so often. I wanted to know what he was scrating at so I decited to stare at him so I could I could get a better chance at looking at it. To no avail, I couldn't see what he was scratching at so I thew my pencil at him. Once he turnrd around, I saw gauze on this wrist.

"That wasn't there before." I thought replaying the scene from the bathroom over in my head. The bell rang soon after and my classmates were running out of the room, trying to leave to go home in peace. As I was getting up to leave I saw Mavin about to leave the room when I bolted for him. I was stopped by Mark.

"Hey, Mate?" He asked, setting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yes, Mark?" I asked, seeing Mavin leave the room.

"I just w-wanted to know if you would want to hang out later if you wanted." He asked nervously.

"Um... I'll think about it. See you later Mark." I stated, starting to walk away. He sighed and let me go then gave me his regards. I somehow managed to catch up to Mavin while he was waiting for the crosswalk light. He was pressing the button as he turned to me.

"Oh, are you walking this way Ryan?" He asked me. I don't walk this way... but.... I really want to ask him something.

"Oh, uh.... Yeah!" I stated. Mavin shrugged it off and asked.

"Would you like to walk with me then?" He asked, looking up at me. Oh God.

"If you don't mind then sure." I said, hiding my blush by looking away. He smiled and walked across the street with me following. "Hey Mavin, wanna hang out with me and the girls later today?" I asked out of the blue.

Mavin looked troubled as he answered.

"Um I'll have to ask my mom and m-my dad." He answered. 'Hmmmm.' I thought.

We kept up the small talk as we reached his house.

"Do you have a phone?" I asked. He looked up at me.

"No but I can use my mom's. Why?" He asked

"So I can talk to you later, you dumb." I answered. He rummaged through his backpack and took out a marker and held out his arm, giving me the marker. I then proceded to write my number. "Well, I hope we'll see you later today." I said walking away.

"Bye Ryan!" He yelled, going into his house.

I then took out my phone, calling Aaron. A few rings went through then I herd her voice fill my phone.

"Hello?" She asked. I then smiled.

"Aaron, call Grey and get your house ready, I think Mavin's comming over."

A.N./ Heyyyyyy. Sorry I haven't been updating as much, HOWEVER! AHiddenPieceOfArt and I will start a colab soon!!! We were talking about it and hopefully you guys will like it! So yeah, Bye Notes!

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