All According to Plan

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  Peach opened her eyes and realized she was in a place she didn't recognize. Peach got out of the chair she sat in and looked around, "Where am I?" She whispered, the stones looked midnight in the dim light, and tall shelves lined the walls; each shelf was filled to the brim with books, scrolls, and artifacts. Peach picked up a book and flipped through a few pages, but she couldn't understand a word of it.

  Peach placed the book on the shelf, then a purple orb caught her eye, she picked it up, and the orb glowed. Peach's eyes went blank as she saw a vision of the Mushroom Kingdom burning, the toads screams pierced her ears, she wanted to run towards the Mushroom Kingdom, and help them, but she was stuck. "Princess, help us!" Peach looked up above the flames and saw herself standing over them, her eyes were dead as ice.

  "Maybe." she said, "I'm just teaching a 'lesson' for now." she threw another fire ball down at the people.

  "NO, STOP!!" Peach screamed, tears fell faster down her face, but no one seemed to hear her.

  "Princess!" Magikoopaette gasped, she tore the orb out of Peach's hands, and placed it back on the shelf, "B-be careful, n-not e-eve-ry-th-thing is safe in here."

  Peach's eyes went back to normal and she fell to her knees, she held her arms, and shook, "My king...dom..."

  Magikoopaette shook her head and knelt down next to her, "Wh-at di-id you s-see?"

  Peach couldn't speak, her words were stuck in her throat, and all that came out were choked sobs. Magikoopaette didn't know what to do, but she thought of someone that may be able to help.

  Magikoopaette teleported to the garden, she had to be there. Magikoopaette ran around the garden, "Your gr-ace!" She shouted, "Your gra-ce!" No response.

She kept running, until she bumped into someone, she fell back, and rubbed her head, "Sorry," The voice sounded familiar, but they weren't the person she was looking for, "Let me help you up."

  Magikoopaette took Bowser's hand and wiped her dress off, "Th-thank you, y-your highne-ss."

  "No need, why are you out here running like a chicken without a head?" Bowser asked.

  "Well, I-I was searching f-for Bow-se-tte, she i-is late for a me-eting." Magikoopaette lied through her teeth, she just needed to find Bowsette.

"I haven't seen her, but maybe she's in the castle."

  Magikoopaette nodded, "Thank you." Magikoopaette teleport-ed inside, "Please, your gr-gr-ace, be s-s-some wh-where in here!" She ran around the halls, she held her staff closer to her chest, and she was starting to run out of breath. She still had ten more halls left to see where Bowsette was.

  Bowsette sighed, as she wandered through the halls, and laughed quietly when she heard footsteps. Magikoopaette grabbed Bowsette's arm when she was close enough, "Well, you're in a rush."

  "Y-your grace, th-thank Bo-ob-ombs I f-found you!" Magikoopaette panted for breath, then gulped, "Y-you are n-needed."

  Magikoopaette didn't give Bowsette a chance to respond before Magikoopaette teleport-ed them to her tower. Once there Magikoopaette let go of Bowsette's arm and pointed at Peach. Bowsette looked at Magikoopaette, "What?"

"Help her!" Magikoopaette whisper shouted.

  Bowsette thought about for a second, but gave in and sat next to Peach. Bowsette was silent at first, but eventually asked, "What happened, you don't have to give detail, just give me an idea."

  Peach still said nothing, choked sobs were the only sounds that escaped her mouth. Bowsette wrapped an arm around Peach and gave her an awkward hug. Peach slunk away and Bowsette let go.

  "M-my kingdom..." Peach gulped, "I-it was b-burning." Peach did her best to speak in between her sobs. Bowsette only listened, "The orb, it showed me... my kingdom... burning."

  "Peach..." Bowsette looked at Peach, "I'm sorry you saw that, I can't even begin to imagine my kingdom burning." Peach looked up at Bowsette, tears stained Peach's cheeks, and Peach's eyes were red. Bowsette put a hand to Peach's cheek and rubbed the tear stains off of Peach's cheeks, "The orb shows thieves their worst nightmares, so people usually don't touch it, but you didn't know, it's not your fault."

  "Worst... nightmare?" Peach repeated.

  Magikoopaette nodded, "I-I'm sor-ry princess, I di-idn't kn-now you would e-even look a-at it."

  "Peach," Bowsette took a deep breath, "Come on." Bowsette took Peach's hand and led her out of the room.

  "One step closer."

Author's Note

I'm sorry that I didn't post yesterday, Thursday is a busy day for me, so I'll try and write another chapter, to make up for it.

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