Chapter 8

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The signal came, but confined itself to only a small geographic area. Just enough Legion activated to form a network and initiated their deadly purpose, but the minimal network limited the Swarm's efficiency. A complete cleanse was not achieved.


I woke well before dawn. Gan laid close behind me with an arm encircling my shoulders and I snuggled in even closer, allowing contentment to warm the deepest parts of me. No man had shared my bed since... No! I did not want to think about him.

That was so unlike me to invite Gan in. I thought the defenses I built to protect my heart impenetrable, but he went right by them. Because I opened the gate.

This was going too fast.

Was this just a hookup? Would he want me for anything more?

Was he truly a good man? It seemed so, but then, if true, should I burden a good man with my issues?

I lifted Gan's arm gently so as not to wake him and carefully slid out of bed. The rational part of me knew these self-doubts were unhealthy — I am worthy of being loved! Yet dark thoughts rose from a deep wound that refused to heal. At least the nightmares had stopped.

I wrapped a blanket around myself and stepped outside into the cool night air. The moon Eros laid low on the horizon, taking on a golden hue, his brother Anteros already set. I spoke silently to him, "Was this all by your enchantment?"

I turned as the door hinges squeeled. Gan strolled out, then wrapped strong arms around me from behind.

He nuzzled my neck and whispered. "Are you okay?"

I grasped his arms and leaned back against him, molding myself into the embrace. "Yes... I think so. I hadn't expected this, us, to happen. It's been so long." I turned around and gazed into beautiful eyes. "I really did like making love with you. It's just... I have a dark past. Can we take it slow?"

"I liked it too. A lot. Yeah, this was kinda unexpected, but no regrets from me. Okay, slow and easy."

Gan pulled me tighter against himself, then shivered. "Brrr, you're cold. Let's get you back in bed," he said with a sly smile. "Just to warm you up, of course."

It was well past dawn when a knock on the door woke us up, and I groaned when I realized how late it was. "You kept me awake too much last night," I mumbled.

"Will, you didn't seem to mind."

No, I didn't mind. Not at all. After pulling a blanket around my body, I peeked out the door to find Kate with her usual grin.

Before I could stop her, Kate pushed past me and went inside, letting in a beam of morning sunshine. "Girl, you sleeping late again... Oh!" Her eyes popped full open.

And there was Gan, sitting on the bed edge in all his naked glory. Kate put on a wide smile and tilted her head, but did not look away. He froze, staring back at her, then scurried to pull a blanket over himself. Kate turned to give me a big look-at-what-I-caught-you-doing smirk, and with a shoulder hug, she strutted back out giggling.

Gan flopped back on the bed as I put my face in my hands. "We will never hear the end of this," he groaned.


Gan filled my mind while I strolled absentmindedly to the greenhouse, so much so that I stumbled over a rock and sprawled not-so-gracefully across the ground. I brushed myself off and glanced around, hoping that no one noticed my awkward dance. Last night was wonderful, but so out of character for me — I went from not wanting to get involved with anyone to eagerly inviting Gan to my bed. What had I done to myself?

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