Chapter 19

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The signals came again, strong and clear, but still scattered. The Legion rose to action, releasing the Swarm they created while the network reverberated with activity, fine-tuning the release for maximum destruction.


Mora seethed as we slid together under the covers. Not that I blamed her. She jerked her head up with face contorted by the anger that swirled within. "That idiot!"

I pulled her head back down to my shoulder and wrapped my arm around her, drawing her against me. "Sander is not our problem anymore. He will go back to Earth in disgrace — Captain Greer will make sure of that. I only hope the old data will help, at least give Samir a direction to look."

"I thought this world my Garden of Eden, my paradise," she blubbered. "Now look at it — paradise lost."

"Hmm, I don't know," I whispered, while placing a kiss on her forehead. "When I have you in my arms, it feels like paradise to me."

Once in a while, I said the right thing. Mora lifted her head and guided her lips to mine. After a deep, full body contact horizontal kiss that stirred my desires, she cooed, "Hmm, I need you to remind me."


We joined Liz and Captain Greer for breakfast the next morning. Standing across the dining hall, Kate spun around, searching for an empty table among the bustling crowds, so I motioned her over.

Kate explained her presence. "Got a call to help with a possible evacuation. I take it things are going to hell in a handbasket?"

She placed her tray on the table and sat down as we made room for her. I pointed toward the Captain. "Oh, Kate. This is Captain Greer from the Ark Hope."

Kate's eyes widened as she jumped up, almost standing at attention. "Major Storm Greer?"

The Captain tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. "Yes, in my military days. Have we met? You seem familiar..." A small grin of recognition came to him. "Bender?"

"Yes, sir. I gave you and your team a ride in my jump jet during the Varna evac."

He nodded. "I remember that day. As I recall, you disobeyed orders when you did that."

"Yes, sir. Busted to corporal."

"You got off easy," the Captain responded, his steel-blue eyes blazing. "I would have busted you to private and gave you some brig time. Still, some damn good flying under fire and you saved my ass." He paused and pointed to her chair. "Sit down, Kate, no need for military protocol here. Call me John."

She sat down slowly and deliberately, keeping her eyes on him.

John continued. "Kate, would you care to join me for a drink this evening? Good to see someone else from the old campaign. I have a bottle of fine whiskey and would like to share it with you."

Kate nodded vigorously. "Sure, umm, John."

I interjected. "Kate, I have to ask, why did they call you Bender?"

The Captain grinned and answered for her. "Because she tended to bend the rules." John stood up with his empty tray. "Tonight then Kate. Twenty-hundred?"

Rendered speechless and wide-eyed, Kate merely nodded, and her eyes tracked him as he walked off. I think she just met her match.

Mora's viewer beeped, and she pulled it out to receive the message. "Samir found something. Liz, I think you should come too."

As we picked up our trays, I couldn't help but take a parting shot at Kate. I nudged her and said, "Be careful to not drool when you meet up with John."

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