Pipercy Brotp meet: Leila Goodwin

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Leila Goodwin


Walking up the steps to Goode High School I was red in the face, my black hair falling out of it's ponytail and I wrap my hand around the elastic band before pulling my hair out of it and letting my hair be loose, still red in the face and laughing at my friend Percy's lame Mythology joke and so was the rest of my friends Clarissa, Robbie, Callum and Caitlyn. Callum and Caitlyn were twins with red hair and hazel eyes. Robbie was a short boy with thick rimmed glasses and Clarissa was a peppy girl with blonde long wavy hair and Percy was just like the gods that he describes in his jokes, he's tall with raven black hair and lean but muscular and has abs but I don't like him in that way after all I have always seen Percy as an overprotective little brother (even though he is taller than me) and he has a really good imagination as he is always telling us about these stories and jokes of the Gods

"Hey my friend is joining the school today you guys will love her" Percy unexpectedly says leaving all of us to stop laughing abruptly at his stamens and turn to him waiting for him to explain but he just grins a crooked grin and doesn't over any other explanation so Robbie jumped in

"Would this be your mysterious 'girlfriend?'" He says putting air quotes around 'girlfriend' as nobody in the school believed he actually had a girlfriend and even though he turns down all the girls that threw themselves at him but everyone just thought it was a way to get the girls off of his back because the way he described the girl made it sound like she was just another one of his made up stories

"No but I told you about Annabeth enough now that she isn't a mystery"

"So Annabeth is the name of your girlfriend" Caitlyn teases

"She's real guys" Percy defends hotly "however the new girl isn't Annabeth her names Piper and she is one of my seven best friends" He continues which I have to admit stung a little, I thought we were his only group of friends? and I could see the hurt in the eyes of our other friends but Percy being as oblivious as he was didn't notice and continued to describe his camp friends in detail

As we walked through the door of the office Mrs Landon the vice principal called to our group and we immediately stopped laughing, Mrs Landon is one of the strictest teachers to ever grace the schools hallways of Goode high school I don't think I've ever seen her smile her face is set in a permanent frown

Mrs Landon's narrowed eyes analysis everyone in our group and everyone seemed to flinch back except Percy but it goes unnoticed by the stone faced teacher until her stone cold eyes land on me "Ms Goodwin I need you" Mrs Landon speaks her voice harsh "the rest of you can get to your classes"

I glance to my friends and we share the same look I didn't really want to stay and the strictest teachers bidding but if I didn't then I was most likely going to get a detention and then that would be on my school record and I wouldn't get into an Ivy League college with a nod of my head and a slight wave

Mrs Landon guided me to her office unlocking the door with a key that hung from a lanyard around her thin neck as stepped inside her office with me trailing a few steps behind, I had been to the office once before, and despite how normal it looks with a desk pushed in the middle of the room with a computer onto of the wooden furniture and two plastic seats on one side of the desk on the other a equally uncomfortable looking leather swivel seat but there was one thing I that is there this time that wasn't there the last and that was a girl

She had brown hair cut unevenly and was in a braid down her back with feathers sticking out of it and her skin tone told me that she was of Native American descendant  and had eyes that were a stunning mixture of blues greens and green 

"This is Piper McLean, she will be attending Goode High for the rest of her senior year" Mrs Landon drags me out of my thoughts harshly and gestures to Piper who gives me a shy grin and a look and I notice that look, McLean was the surname of the world famous actor so she must be related to him somehow and I'm pretty sure I'm seen her on the cover of a few magazines "You will give her a tour"

"It's nice to meet you" Piper says

* * *

It was now lunch time and the first four periods had passed by slowly, my friends and I were now sitting at our table eating and laughing and sharing funny stories of our morning classes wen I happened to glance up at the cafeteria doors and saw them be pushed open before Piper walks in her eyes swivelling around the room and I was just about to wave her over when her eyes locked on our table and before I could do anything I saw that she had quickly whipped out a ruler and was aiming in the direction of our table

As quick as lightening Percy stood up and caught the  ruler without turning around he calls out "Piper freaking McLean after all we have been through you try to kill men!" You could hear a pin drop the room was so silent, why would Percy think that Piper was trying to kill him with a ruler? It doesn't make sense but no pf us have much time to question it because Piper surges forward barrelling towards Percy and our table and only at the very last second does Percy turn around catching Piper in a hug

"It's good to see you Pipes" Percy says although its muffled by the hug

"You too Perce" Piper replied and I scrunch up my nose knowing Percy doesn't like when someone calling him that but he just laughs, his laugh being the only noise in the room and he seems to notice this so he raises his voice to address the gawking crowd 

"Can two people who have not seen each other in a while talk to one another without being watched like we are in a zoo!" Percy exclaims before sitting down with Piper adorning the seat to his left 

The cafeteria buzzes to life again after Percy's announcement and he takes this time to look at us. Everyone similar reactions some were just hid it better than others like Clary and I but the boys had slid jaws and wide eyes but eventually we all sober up and Robbie is the first thing to ask what was on all of minds

"Are you sure you two aren't dating?" He asks and was replied  with by a bunch of giggling and snorting from the pair and I was sure if Piper had a drink she would have spat it out she was laughing so much. Percy was the quickest to sober up and shook his head quickly 

"Nah we're both into blondes who know how to handle our crazy personality's" More snorts from Piper, Piper may be one of Percy's best friends and she may be a little crazy like all of us but I think I'm going to like her 

And from that day on Piper wormed her way into our little group and graduated with us in June

Word Count: 1296 

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