Chapter 2 Rumors and Ramifications

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Zelda abruptly woke, flinging the hand-stitched blanket that covered her clear across the room where she'd slept. She was surprised to notice the soft bed she lie upon wasn't her own, nor was the gown she wore, when the memory of the previous night's festivities returned. She had fallen asleep outside...right next to Link!

"What time is it, where is Link, and what am I wearing?!" she exclaimed, swiftly sitting up in the bed as she attempted to get an idea of her surroundings.

"It's eleven o'clock in the morning," came the voice of Impa, who sat idly rocking in an old, creaky chair at Zelda's bedside. Apparently, she'd been watching over her the previous night.

"And, if you must know, Link is just outside this humble abode," the elderly woman calmed the girl, placing a hand upon Zelda's shoulder. "The boy carried you ever so gently to this room after you fell asleep. A rough wooden bench is no suitable bed for a princess, after all. And, before you worry your pretty self over your state of dress, you should know it was Paya who swapped your gown. After a century keeping the scourge of Calamity Ganon at bay, you must have been quite tired indeed. You did not stir once during the whole process. A Jester's firecracker could of went off next to your pointy ear and you would not have noticed, I'd imagine."

Impa handed Zelda a small bundle of fabric. It was clothing in shades of blue and black.

"My...adventuring clothes?" Zelda asked, tears in her eyes at the happy sight. "You kept them all this time?"

Impa chuckled at the question. "I certainly did! A difficult task, too. The moths in this region can be rather tenacious. Nevertheless, I kept them as perfectly preserved as possible. They should still fit you."

Zelda moved about in a spellbound fluster, quickly washing up with a rag and a bowl of warm water that Impa had left on the nightstand. In a flash, off came the dull brown Sheikah gown she'd been given for bedclothes, and on went her new outfit. Well, new in one sense, yet old at the same time. The black leather journey pants hugged tightly to her legs, emphasizing and complementing her figure. The pants were paired with a rugged but stylish royal-blue jacket with gold lace. A sturdy pair of boots completed the ensemble. Comfortable clothes for a journey across all the lands of Hyrule.

Still a perfect fit, too, Zelda thought as she studied herself from head to toe, enjoying being out of the rags she had been wearing just a day prior. She wasn't vain, of course, but deep down she was still a princess.

"So, where again is Link, Impa?" Zelda asked, turning to face the woman with smile, proud of her new outfit.

"He is right outside," Impa replied, ushering Zelda to the doorway. "A true warrior always trains his body and mind, Princess, even in peacetime."

"Thank you, Impa. You've done so much for me. Thank you for keeping what little remained of me in the past intact. And thank you even more for never giving up on me, nor on this Kingdom. I am truly in your debt."

Zelda bowed deeply to the woman, then turned and walked out the doorway.

Making her way passed the furniture, eagerly heading to the front door, Zelda nearly bumped into Paya, who was again carrying a silver platter. This time, the Sheikah girl was much swifter to prevent the fruits and vegetables she had on the large rounded plate from dropping, catching every piece like a juggler, and doing a quick spin to avoid falling into Zelda's arms.

"Oh, my goodness, I need to start watching where I am going," Paya said with a nervous look. "Link is right outside, waiting for you. He's been training in the yard for most of the morning."

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