Your heart's ice
Your soul ablaze
Your shining light
Fool's paradise
When you smile
The sun wakes
The moon hides
And in the maze
Of your delight
A million tides
From your gaze
My heart breaks
✓Dedicated to MichaelTyger for allowing me to use his brilliant invention. 😊
The Poetry Style “The Waltz” was created by fellow Wattpad poet MichaelTyger on December 31st 2018
In this form , 2 opposites meet in a poetic 'waltz’. They can be opposite people, ideas, or anything opposite. But in this Waltz they find a kind of Harmony.
*The poem is consistent of 12 lines
*Syllabic count : (3-4-4-4-3-3-3-4-4-4-3-3)
*Rhyme scheme: (a.b.c.a.X.d.e.b.c.e.b.d)
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Poesie- Poems written in 2019 - Poem A Week/day Challenge @PoetsPub