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As the months passed, Taehyung made sure to spend as much time with Jungkook as he possibly could. He made sure they never fought or argued no matter what. He made sure Jungkook was always kept in the best condition possible. They had went back to the doctor and he told them they needed a miracle if Jungkook would survive this, saying that it sometimes happened but not very often but he had said there was a chance that he could live longer if he was healthy.

They had gotten married, only a small wedding as it was last minute but to Taehyung it was perfect anyway. However, all these moments that they spent together were bittersweet. Their first year anniversary was coming up and so Taehyung was making Jungkook breakfast in bed. He had weighed out each ingredient to be perfect and filled it with the right kinds of nutrients.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"Hey babe" Jungkook said groggily as he appeared in the kitchen having just woke up.
"Hey Kookie, I was hoping you were going to not be awake so I could surprise you with breakfast" Taehyung told him, turning round showing him the plate with all the delicious food on it.
"Ah, you're too good to me" Jungkook smiled.
"You deserve only the best"

"Sometimes I think we are the most cringy couple out of the group" Jungkook laughed.
"Hmmm....maybe. I mean Hoseok and Yoongi can be pretty sickening at times and Jin and Namjoon have their moments too"
Jungkook ate some of it before putting his cutlery down.

Tae furrowed his eyebrows, Jungkook always finished his food.
"Jungkook are you okay? Do you not like it?" He asked.
Jungkook shook his head "no it was lovely Taehyung, I'm just not feeling that great"
Taehyung was immediately on his feet and fussing over Jungkook "is it a sore head? A sore stomach? What's wrong?"
"I'm just a bit dizzy, I'm probably just tired"
"Well let's get you in bed" Taehyung said helping Jungkook up and taking him to the bedroom and laying him on the bed. He tucked him in the bed.
"Do you need anything?" Taehyung questioned worriedly.
"No thank you"
"Okay, not want the TV on? No?"
"Taehyung if you don't mind I would rather just be left alone" Jungkook sighed.
"Oh, yeah that's okay" Taehyung whispered before leaving the room. He frowned once he was out of sight. Jungkook barely ever called him by his full name and he wondered if he'd done anything wrong.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

This went on for a couple days that Jungkook wasn't feeling well. He stayed in bed most of the day and refused any food or help from Taehyung. Jungkook would just try and sleep all the time and Taehyung phoned the doctor.

"Hi Dr. Bowman" Taehyung said nervously.
"Is that Taehyung?" The doctor replied.
"How's Jungkook doing?"
"He's not eating and he's sleeping a lot"
Taehyung heard the doctor sigh "it may just be a little sickness. How long has this been going on for?"
"A few days"
"Again, it might be just a little sickness and because his immune system is down it's taking him longer to get over it but he's beginning to show signs of the end if you know what I mean"
"Cancer patients begin to lose energy in their last couple of weeks so I would be prepared for the worst"

Taehyung quickly hung up the phone after thanking the doctor. He couldn't do this. Not now. They had planned so much for their anniversary. They were going to go on holiday together. They'd never had the chance to do that. Jungkook kept telling him how excited he was. What should he do? Should he tell the others? Tell Jungkook? But he didn't want to worry him or scare him, what if it was just a cold or something?

Taehyung put his head in his hands, he just wished Jungkook had never gotten cancer cause it had effectively ruined their lives as it was always there, in the background of their sweet moments, neither knowing whether it would be the last or not. Taehyung had somewhat convinced himself to some extent that Jungkook wouldn't die, he believed this was just a bump that they would reminisce about later in life and be thankful that he survived. He never thought it would actually come to this. He was so excited when they got over the 2 year mark of Jungkook's diagnosis. They had a massive party to celebrate and Taehyung was so excited. They'd went to the doctor who said that the tumour that had implanted itself into Jungkook's brain had seemed to reduce slightly.

"Tae, are you okay?" A voice came from behind him. Taehyung turned and saw Jungkook standing behind him. He was slightly shocked at his appearance. For all the time that he had ever known him Jungkook had been muscular but now looking at him, his muscles were less pronounced and he was so skinny.
"Uh, I'm fine Kookie" Taehyung fake smiled "are you feeling better?"
"Yeah, a bit" Jungkook said.

Taehyung got up to hug him, he squeezed his arm slightly as he hugged him something he had taken to doing cause he would be lying if he said he didn't like Jungkook's muscles. However, when he squeezed he was not met with the usual feeling it was bony. He tried to ignore it and just hugged Jungkook tightly.

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