Chap 2

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"Thank you for tonight." You said. "I would loved to get to know you more... But only if you don't mind. " He smiled. "Before that, can I ask you something?" You nodded. "What's your sexuality? Your 'real' sexuality? I'm sorry if I made you-

"Straight. I'm a straight girl. People took it wrongly after that kiss but I was just helping her out from getting hit by her ex boyfriend." You said. "Dang. A lot of guys had missed a lot of chances. I've a feeling you're bisexual but thanks for telling me the truth. I appreciate your honesty. I don't care what's your sexuality is but just a little curious... "

"Jonah, I hope I can clear my name. But, nevermind, I actually don't care. I just find it's not cool to judge someone's sexuality just because he or she kissed someone with the same gender." You said, and try to avoid the eye contact. You're afraid you're going to cry just like what happened that time. "I'll help you with that. Yeah, you're right... I know Zach is quick to judge. Sorry bout that and sorry for being annoying whole this time." You looked at him and he looks guilty. "It's okay. At least you're real but not fake like other bitches at our school."

"It's getting late... So, night."


You planted a kiss on his cheeks before he leaves. He's surprised but not as surprise as you. "I didn't know I get a kiss. "

"shut up and good night." You close the door quickly before he can see your red blushy pinkish cheeks.

"I love you, Jonah."


"ZACH!" A loud bang seems to wake him up after Karlie knock on his bedroom door. "What the hell- Okay, what do you want, babe? How did you get here?"

"Hey, I got your spare keys. I want you to come with me today. We're going out!" Karlie pulls the blanket and drag Zach out of his bed. He's still in he's Calvin klein underwear. "I decide to hang out with my friends. Its been too long since I haven't-

" No excuses! Who's your number one priority besides your family? Isn't it, me?" She said." It's you but I need to spend some time with my friends. I missed hanging out with them. "

Zach is trying out his best to show her the 'pouty' expression of his. "But, don't talk to that girl okay? Bye and I just waste my 10 minutes here with you." Karlie left Zach and he starts to get dress up for today since its their 6th years of friendship.


"Where is that James Dean guy?" Daniel said, while chewing the sandwich that he bought. "Dude, you should that he has a girlfriend.

"Corbyn added and sneakingly taking a little bite of Daniel's sandwich." Yes, and Zach has been her doll from the start. I give him an advice before but guess, they will never break up... "Jack said.

I saw them talking and waves as soon as Jack saw me." Jonah?" All of them said. They look so confused because Jonah NEVER join us after he sits next to me and he only goes to the party if any of them hold the party." Dude.... Why you're here? With Alice? You guys aren't-

"Before all of you start to say something that's not true, it's, Jonah and I try to be friends again without having stupid argument. So, here we are. I can see how confused the three of you right now including Zach if he comes here soon." You said. Jonah doesn't say anything as he only nods and smile.

" But, if you guys think that we're dating, we can make that possible... " He chuckled." Jonah, don't make me change my mind this time. Nope. That's impossible." You said again. You can help but still feels annoyed when you see his face. "Hey guys! Jonah?"

"Golden boy is here!" Jack said. I only smile at him instead of greeting him.
"Why are you late?" Daniel asked. "Well, Karlie. I have to deal with her before hanging out with you guys."

"Dude, if you feel like she's being pushy and now, you're becoming someone you're not, break up with her." Jonah said, breaking the silence. No one dare to mention bout Zach's relationship but Jonah just did that. "I- You're right but there's something about her that makes me stay. It's almost 2 years of us together...."

"I agree with Jonah this time. It's a bad influence if you ended up being 'new' unknown version of Zach. Honestly, I don't know you still want to be with her." Corbyn added. "Okay. Thank you for the advice but I need some time to think..."


It's Karlie. She's standing behind Zach while holding a handbag. "Why is she here? ZACH! ANSWER ME!" she screamed as she saw you."Well, she's one of my friend and a part of the group as well."

"No. I just- why you can't even listen to me? I try to be real nice without controlling you... And then this? Save that and explain to me later."She said again. You can't help but feel angry when she thought that your presence is a threat for her.

" Karlie Grace Gerald. Yes, I got called bitch just because I talk to Zach. We both know Zach is just a friend of mine. We used to be 'best friend' but just because of a guy, you destroy our friendship. You even destroyed me and makes me think, everything is just temporary... Sure, go ahead say whatever you want. You've been controlling him from the start without you realised it. You're such a dumbass when it comes to this. Zach, I don't know how you can stand being with her for 2 years. I can't even stand a second after what happened between me and her. " You said. You sighed and left the diner.

"guys! Gotta go!"Jonah said.

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