Chap 3

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"Hey! Wait!"

I know that's Jonah. I don't know why he wants to talk to me while I'm still not in the mood to talk. "Jonah. Leave. Me. Alone."

"I'm not going to do that. I want to make sure you're okay. I just, you're right and I'm agree with you. I just want to tell you that I'm on your side. She's a bitch. Everyone knows." He said and hugs me. "I- Thank you. I almost lost myself because of her. I just wish that the thing can be fixed but it's, there's no use."

"Well, I have never seen you being like this. I hope I could help you but if you don't want, I'm totally fine. I know you need a space right now. If I'm kinda with you, the things could be worse." He said. You know you really need someone when you feel down. Especially when the world is against you."I accept that offer. I just, I need help."

"Do you want to talk bout it? At Starbucks? Well, my treat!" He said. You can see how happy he's as he mention 'Starbucks'. I do know anymore whether a girl or coffee is his love of life. "Let's go!"

Scene : Karlie, Zach and You

"Alice! Let's end this friendship! I know you like him. So, stop with all the bullshit! Bitch!" She said. You never feel like saying bitch is a big deal until your own best friend said it and its you, yourself is getting called as a bitch. "I did liked him and he knew about it but I don't want to be his girlfriend after I know you like him and now, you're dating him."

"Do you think I can trust you with your lies? STOP LYING! LIAR! " In the middle of argument, someone is knocking on our apartment door. Karlie open it and I saw Zach. He was holding a bouquet of white rose. "Whats this? I'm sorry for-

"It's nothing." She lied. You glared at her and walk to your room. "I heard it. Karlie, I knew about it. But, she rather keep the feelings so that we can be together. You shouldn't just called her that."


"Hey. Coffee?" You're back with the reality as you had lost in thoughts for a while. "what's up?" He raised his eyebrows and squeeze my right hand. "Oh, I just, having a flashback of me and karlie." You slowly remove from hand from his. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I know you're just want to make feel better and I do. Thanks." You said. "I will drive you home. You look terrible. You should get a rest and sleep."You nod and you feel weird. You never see this side of Jonah. He cares and he doesn't annoy you. You find it relaxing as both of you haven't had any argument.

"See you on Monday."

As soon as I walk towards the front door and about to open the door, my mum does it first. "That guy again? Seriously? I mean, you look cute with him but are you guys dating? For real?" Your mum said. She's just like your best friend that know everything after your dad left. "Mum, I'm sorry for lying but we're just friends. I have a thing for him but I don't want to date him." You said.

Scene : Jonah and You

"So, why don't we call a truce, start again?" You said and hoping he's going to do the same thing. "Yeah. Let's have a hand shake." Both of you finally agree with it. "I'm Jonah Marais. I'm that kid that loves to annoy this cutie, Alice. But, we end it tonight and become friends again. Tell me about yourself. Nice to meet you, Alice. "It's a new start of friendship. No more arguments. No more being mad for a stupid reason.

"I'm Alice Edward. I'm that cutie that got annoyed by the one and only 'handsome' man alive. I hope we can be matured enough by not arguing over something. Nice to meet you too, Jonah." You said. You feel free. You feel relieved as both of you finally decide to see things eye to eye and stop arguing with each other." So, can I ask you something?" He asked.
"Sure thing. What's it?"

"So, I heard, you like, me? Is that true?" You're surprised with what he asked. "If I've to be honest, yes, as more than friends." You thought that he will takes it seriously but he's literally laughing. "What's so funny?"

"You. You like me as 'more than friends' but actually, you're annoyed." He said. It's true you like him and you can't find a reason why. But, maybe because he always tease you and gives full attention at you. "Ha ha ha. Very. Funny. My turn, do you ever like me?"

"Nope. Hell no! Never in the million years. You're crazy and you dare to fight with that scary dude. You kicked his private part and he legit screamed in pain. I really thought that you were possessed or what. If I cheated on you, guess, you would murdered me." You hold back your laughter. You don't want him to see you laugh before you start talk." I know you like me. No one hates me. Not just murder, probably I'm going to slice your meat pieces by pieces. I buried you at the place no one knows. I would cut your private part too. Too cruel, huh?"

He looks so shocked. You finally laugh to break the tension. If not, he will leaves the restaurant." That's crazy. Why do you sound like a freaking psycho? That's way too cruel! At least don't cut my private part. Oh god, my pride!"

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