Chap 5

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"Your father, he's dead. I'm sorry Alice. He couldn't make it... "

"I- So, my dad is actually got married with her. I just thought that the surname is just a coincidence." You feel numb. You know you should accept it. He's gone. Forever. You'll never see him again. "So, your mum is already at dubai. Tonight, you're going to Dubai alone. Here's your ticket. Safe flight."

You take the ticket. The thought of not seeing him anymore kill you inside. Death is unexpected welcome. "Thanks sir." You take a deep breath before heading out. "Alice? If you don't want to come to school tomorrow, I understand. Stay strong, girl." You smiled at him. It's a fake one for sure. "I'll come as this year is my senior year. I don't want to miss the school works."

"Jonah?" You said. He's waiting outside the room. "I heard it. I'm sorry to hear that." He put his hand on your shoulders and pull you into his arms. "I can send you to the airport."
You know you can count on him. "Okay. My flight is at 2pm." Both of you went home together.


"I'm going to miss you." You said. "I know we always miss the one who's far way from us." You hug him before leaving.

"Good evening, passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 89B to UAE. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes time. Thank you."

As soon as you get into the airplane, you are sitting next to a guy that have the same age as you."So, you're alone?" He asked. He seems nice but he's still a stranger. You have to be aware. "Yes and you?" You asked him. "Alone. What's your name?"

"Alice." You shake his hand. "Alex." He said. "If you don't mind, what are you doing in Dubai?" He said. He's a friendly dude. At least I'm not bored during this whole flight. "My dad. I'm going to his funeral."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-

"It's fine. I'm okay with it. It's my first time going to Dubai. Even more worse, I'm all alone." You let out a little laugh and he smile at you. You can't help but smile at him. "Did you just snorted?" He asked. He looks at you but his smile doesn't leave his mouth yet. "Yes. It's a bad habit to snort. I know. Sorry." You feel embrassed. You try to control yourself while laughing without snorting but you can't. You're bad at faking...

"It's cute. You don't have to feel shy about it. Snorting is normal." Based on his appearance, he looks like a total badass. He even had that 'judgy face'. You thought he will judged you but he's not. He seems to be a understanding person. "Thanks, I guess...."

After hours of flight, the captain finally makes announcement. I'm so happy as it feels like forever I'm in this plane.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Dubai International Airport. Local time is 2:03 am and the temperature is 26 Celsius.For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain turns off the Fasten Seat Belt sign. This will indicate that we have parked at the gate and that it is safe for you to move about.  At this time, you may use your cellular phones if you wish.Please check around your seat for any personal belongingsyou may have brought on board with you and please use caution when opening the overhead bins, as heavy articles may have shifted around during the flight. If you require deplaning assistance, please remain in your seat until all other passengers have deplaned. One of our crew members will then be pleased to assist you.On behalf of America Airlines and the entire crew, I’d like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice evening!”

As soon you get your luggage, you text your mum but no response. "I guess, bye then. Who's going to pick you up?" It's almost 2:30 am and being alone is not safe at this time. "My mum will arrives soon."

You try to be positive that she'll read your text but will she? "I can give you a ride. Where are you staying?" I feel
a little panic as I only get plane tickets. "I'm not sure.... I text my mum just now but no answer." You said. "I'm pretty sure someone is supposed to pick you up but seems like no one that looks familiar for you here, you can stay at my place. I'm happy to help you."

You look around once again. You still hesitate to say 'yes' to him. You start to think bout the possibilities. He will either kill you or kidnap or rape you. But, on the bright side, he's willing to help you. You're totally stuck." I'm not sure bout that. I just met you and I'm afraid just incase you know, you're a stranger to me. I only know bout your name and talk bout something.... I don't know you personally."

"But, I know you. I know about you."

Your heart races. Suddenly you feel scared. "But how?"He stared in your eyes without blinking." I'm your step brother. My mum as known as your  teacher was married with your dad. Do you trust me now?"

You throw him a disgusting look. Is that obvious you don't trust him? Is he just want to mess around with you and makes you afraid of him?"I can't trust you that easily. But, I've no choice. I'm coming with you. I hope you don't murder me." You almost fall for him but he's your step brother and there's no way you're going to be in love with him. It's just not a good idea even though he's good looking.. But, Jonah is way much better than him. He's a fucking greek god. You used to call him Zeus and you feel completely dumb having that nickname for him.

Ps: I'm not sure with the announcements thingy. If it's wrong, I'd like to apologise. I'll be going to update chapter 6 by tonight (Malaysia time) xo

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