Chap 11

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"Mrs Herron." You said. "Honey. I'm sorry to hear what had happened to you. Can I come over?"



"Hey! Alex!" Jonah said as he approached him. "Hey, Jonah."He said."Actually, the reason why I came here is I want to apologise. I was being a jerk at the cafe."

"It's fine. I know she's your girl and I'm not going to mess with you. Jonah, I'm sure she told you everything. Have you told her that we know each other?"

"Not yet... Maybe later."


"Mrs Herron. " You said as you open the door. "Here, let me give you a hug. I know you need a shoulder to cry on." You close the door and finally, you're in my mother's embrace. "You looks so pretty. I should've be there for you.... "

"It's fine. I understand."

You know it's not fine. Your real parents are right in front of you all this time but you don't even fucking realised.  "Thank you for being understanding. You can just called me 'mother'." You smiled at Mrs Herron. You're not ready to call her that.

"Okay but I kinda need some time."She takes my hand. She put a bracletet on my wrist." Mrs Herron, I'm-

"I want to give you this before. Please, accept this." You look at the bracelet while admiring it. It's so pretty and it had your name on it. "I understand if you don't want to join us for dinner."

"I'm still going. I just want the truth to be out and I just don't want to let everything unsettle."


"Jonah. How's Alice? Did something awful happened to her until she doesn't answered your calls?"

"Yes,Corbyn. Her mum's dead because she was overdosed. I don't think she's ready to face us. She's still grieving. And tonight, she's going to meet her real parents. I couldn't imagined how hard it's to be at her place.."

"She was adopted??" Daniel said. "Yes. The Herron, she's a part of that family." Jack choked on this water. "Oh god! Zach probably goes crazy if he knew it!" Daniel added. "Whats even worst,  Alex is back in LA and Alex is now consider as her step brother."

"Someone hold me. Oh my god." Daniel said. Corbyn almost faint but Jack, once again, he's choking. "Guys, help Jack! He looks like a dying goldfish!"

"Thanks. I thought I'm going to die." Jack said. "Chill, dude, you're just choking on H20. Nothing serious..."Daniel said. He's not that good at comforting but at least he's trying."Ignore him, jacky. I still remembered he said this when my hamster die 'At least you don't lose me, stop crying ugly.'" Corbyn added.

"You're not going and we would cried so fucking hard if you're not longer alive except Daniel..What happen to you guys? Y'all are surprised as fuck... " Jonah said, while looking at three of them. "It was just so unexpected. It's so fucking insane when everything happens at one time."Corbyn said again.

"Fine. I'm sorry Jack you could've died while chokin- No, no, don't cry... Guys, just fucking kill me!" Jack gets up from the chair and goes straight to the kitchen. As he comes back, he's bringing a knife. "Jack! Are you losing your mind? Put it back!" Jack finally goes back to the kitchen.

"Guys! Told you he's a fucking PSYCHO! I need to run-



"Alice. I've to go. Bye." She leaves the house and Alex finally arrives. "Mrs Herron just came by?"

"Yes. She gave me this." You said while showing him the bracelet. "I've seen this bracelet before." He said. "But where?" You want to know it but you're afraid you can't handle another thing. "I don't remember. Let's get in. Just forget it."


"I'm sorry." Daniel said. "Apology accepted." Jack said as he pat on his shoulder. "Love you, buddy."

They had the bro hugs. "Guys! Zach!" Then, they got interrupted when Corbyn yelled from the outside. "Hey guys! Is Alice here?"

"Nope. Why?"

"Jonah, don't you think she's got a boyfriend?" The boys didn't say anything.



"Alice and Alex, I'm happy that both of you are here." Zach looks pissed. You try to ignore him during the dinner. "Zach. I'm not sure if you're are ready to hear this..." Marie took a deep breath. She looks at you and turn back to Zach. "Alice. She's your twin."

"What?Mum, you've got be kidding me right?" Marie shook her head. "No. I'm serious." Zach leaves us after his mum told him about it. You try to chase after him but you've known Zach for a long time so you know Where's his go to place when he's sad.

"Zach." You said. "Don't ever come near me or talk to me. Again." You know this is going to be happened but you need to sort things out. "Zach. We have to move on. I'm sorry if you don't like this but I'm moving in soon."

"Why?" You can see he's trying to cool himself down. "My adoptive parents, they left me and I can't get to meet them anymore."

"What do you mean?" He asked. "They're dead, zach!" You said. You're trying to be as strong as you can be but the thought of them are dead is killing you inside. You wish that you can fix everything but it's too late. It's fucking too late to rewind it.

Hey, it's life.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I heard that Alex is your step brother but since you are a part of this family, he's basically a stranger." He said. Well, he's right but you shouldn't just totally forget about what your adoptive parents did. They're still your parents. "Yes but Alex feels like a brother to me..."

"Alice. I really thought we can be together but you're right. We should move on. I know this is not my place to say this but you should know." You're hoping it's not another shit after what you went through during these several days.

"Jonah. He has a feeling for you. He loves you."

Ps: Chap 12 will going to be posted tomorrow and (maybe) chap 13 as well! Sit back and relax while you're waiting for the new chapters! I hope you're enjoying the story! Comment your thoughts about it! If you've any questions etc hmu on Instagram! xo
IG : @aestheticallyjonah

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