Love's Savior

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Just a little one-shot to get my creative juices flowing again!

Song: The Call by Regina Spektor

Go on, go read. ________________________________________________________________________________

He stared down at her from atop a puffy cloud. His heart skipped wen he caught a glimpse of her smile as she beamed up at her mother.

He sighed. Since the day he had first beheld her radiant beauty and kindness, his heart had belonged to her, only her.

She would never know, though. He was of the angels and she of the humans; forbidden to ever speak to each other. The humans didn't even know the angels existed. She would never know he existed. 

His heart twinged at the thought, but even the idea of centuries without her in his arms wasn't enough to get him to look away.

"My friend." A small whoosh of air alerted him of another's presence. He turned to see his best friend smiling at him sadly.

"Hello" He bowed the customary bow and turned to continue drinking in the girl's features; her laugh. He observed her fiery spirit as she yelled at another older girl for knocking a toddler down she fairly glowed with kindness as she handed a flower to the younger boy.

He would give anything to be the one to receive a flower from her perfect hands.

"You are in love with her." His best friend stated sympathetically.

"I don't know how, for I have never been close to her, never heard her voice. But my heart was made for her, Lita." He sighed. "But I will never have a chance."

"Not true."

His head shot up. "What do you mean?"

"I searched the Aerial Library." His friend said, sitting down beside. "You can be reborn once in a soul. You would stay the same person but become human. It just required a strong wish."

"Are you serious?" He gripped Lita's arm.

She laughed slightly. "You'll do it, of course?"

He nodded frantically.

She squeezed his shoulder gently and wiped her eyes. "I will miss you terribly.

His face fell. "If only I did not have to give you up, Lita. But you know I must do this."

Lita hugged him. "A bond formed the moment of our creations won't be severed. I'll always be your best friend. Now, go to your girl."

He raised an eyebrow at her referral to his love as 'his girl'- the one he loved was a spitfire, from what he could tell, and wouldn't take kindly to such a title.

Now that he thought about it, Lita and his love were very similar. 

Before he could speak she whispered something under her breath and all of his deepest emotions rode inside him, pulling his desperation and caring to the forefront.

A bright light spread across his vision. Lita whispered his name along with a choked goodbye.


He sat up, glancing behind him. His wings were gone. He looked at his hands. No glow!

"I'm human!" He yelled joyfully. Looking around he recognized his crush's apartment complex. Knowing he would be seen as a creep if he knocked on her door and declared his love, he resolved to enroll at her school and make friends.

He felt creepy when he thought too hard about knowing her daily schedule like the back of his hand.

A huge smile took over his face. He was so happy. Looking up at the sky, he mouthed, Thank you. He knew his best friend would be watching him from above.

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