Part 10:The Mother

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⚠️(This section contains some aggressive verbal exchanges between parents and child. If that will bother you please skip this chapter)⚠️

1 Week Later

Ever since my and Namjoon's...what would you call it...we haven't been able to meet back up again. He has been very busy with BTS's your as well as working on some new projects for the group. Although we haven't seen each other face to face, we still talk everyday over the phone. Sometimes we FaceTime, sometimes call, and sometimes we text. No matter what it is I enjoy every second of it because I'm getting to talk with my idol. The man I have the biggest crush on actually talks to me everyday and I still can't wrap my head around it. It's absolutely insane in my opinion. Most of the time I think I'm dreaming and none of its real but I'm always so scared I'm going to awaken from my dream and go back to him not knowing who I am. Today though I realized what's happening between us is very real because my mother has confronted me about it and is not happy. "Why do you even talk to him? He'll never care about you! You're worthless so what could he ever see in you? Nothing because you are nothing and you won't ever amount to anything!" As she says this I try to speak back to her but as soon as I open my mouth I snap it shut again before a single sound comes out of my mouth. I sit there and take it as I've learned to do all these years because it makes her go away faster if I don't talk back and the punishments aren't a severe. "You're no one! You're a stupid, immature child that will never amount to anything! You're going to turn into a fat piece of shit sooner rather than later! You screw up everything! Why can't you do something right for once? Why can't you no cause problems for once? You're..." My phone begins to buzz before she can finish what she was going to say and I see it's Namjoon calling. I'm about to pick it up but then she talks. "You're done with that boy you hear! Whatever was happening is over! You're gonna pick that up and tell him to never call you again and to leave you the hell alone!" "Mom why are you doing this? I did nothing wrong. All I'm doing is talking to him. I've done nothing wrong so why are you even angry," I say as tears well up in my eyes. I really don't know what I've done wrong. I never do when she goes into her fits of rage. I was simply sitting in my room texting Namjoon is all. I've learned over the years that she doesn't have a reason more than half the time. She just hates me is all. If she has a bad day I come home and am punished. If someone does her wrong it's taken out on me. I'm used to it but she's taking it too far because this is my dream is to talk to him and get to know Namjoon. This whole time the phone has been ringing. She starts to speak again. "Pick up that phone and tell him now or you're dead to me and this family. I'll kick you out and you'll live on the streets. You won't call this your family anymore. I already have seen enough of the dumb shit you do. You're a nightmare. You make me sick and you don't deserve to be happy with someone. You're going to tell him to leave you alone and you're not going to be happy ever!" Faced with this I have a choice to make.  I can either stay in this hell hole of a home and not be happy again. The thing is I have nothing. My mother had made it sure that I am completely dependent on them and that without them I have nothing. No car, no money, no family nothing. If I stay I know I'll have the basic necessities to survive like food,water,clothes and shelter. That brings me to the other option. I can break free of all of this and be happy having Namjoon. The downside is that's all I'll have. I'll be on the streets and if that happens I'm sure he'll not want me either because he'll really see how pathetic I am. So this leave me to make one of the biggest decisions of my life so far. All it comes down to is what I really want now.

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