Part 23:The Rose

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1 week later

A whole week had passed. The guys had been doing their concerts and I had been living with Kate. Don't get me wrong, I love my bestie and love living with her but I do really miss staying with the guys. Every morning I used to wake up to see Namjoon's beautiful face and then walk out of the room to see all the other guys. We'd stay up late and play games and watch movies. We'd joke around and talk to each other about what had recently happened in our lives. I missed them. I missed them so much. I didn't get to call Joon really because of the time differences and their hectic schedules. We did text occasionally but it was also very short conversations because the times just wouldn't work. I wanted them to return so badly because I really wanted to see them. Joon told me that on the flight back he wanted to call me before they actually landed back home. I basically waited by my phone all day until finally at around 5 p.m. I saw his name come on the screen and it started ringing. I sprinted over to my phone and picked up soon as I could. "Hey Tori, I've missed you. How have you been this week?" "I would have been better if you'd have been here. I've missed you so much you have no idea." "Oh I think I do have an idea." He laughed. "So Tori, I wanted to call you to talk about our date." I had been trying not to think about it because every time I did I got so nervous I almost threw up. I was so excited to go but still couldn't believe he had asked me on a real date. "Oh yeah...our date..." I couldn't form words. "You didn't sound too excited when you said that Tori. You know you didn't have to agree to this right. Please tell me I didn't make you feel as though you had to." "No no no Joon that's not it. I can assure you it's quite the opposite. I'm so excited for this date but I'm very nervous so I just can't talk normally. That's all. Also, why would I not agree to go on a date with the Kim Namjoon. The leader of BTS and the sweetest guy in the world." "I just didn't want you to think you couldn't say no." "I'd never say something if I didn't mean it. Trust me." "I do trust you. More than you know." "Aww that's so sweet Namjoon. I have to ask so that I can plan my outfit though. What kind of date are we going on?" "Well you know I was thinking about telling you but instead I think I'll make it a surprise." "Ohhh Joon not fair." "Life's not fair babe." He chuckled and I blushed. "Yeah Yeah. Ok be that way but at least don't be so cruel as to not tell me what kind of clothes to wear." "Well I guess I can give you that much. You'll need to wear something that's comfortable to walk around in all day." "Hmm interesting, but I will definitely heed that warning. I've not worn comfy stuff when I should have before and man did I regret it." "I have too so I fell your pain Tori. Also, I'm kind of losing my signal right now and you're cutting out some so I'm gonna hang up for now. I'll see you later babe." "Yeah, you too. Bye." "Bye." With that we hung up and I went straight to my closet to pick my clothes. I ended up deciding on a cute but comfy pair of denim shorts and a pullover sweatshirt. I paired that with my high top converse and was done. I decided that tomorrow I'd put my hair into two boxer braids and take a pair of sunglasses. I knew Namjoon wouldn't be home till sometime tomorrow so I decided to go to bed. I slept only dreaming of what we could possibly be doing tomorrow for our first real date.

The next day

"Hey Tori, someone is here to see you." I looked up at Kate standing over my face shaking me awake. She stopped and began to walk out of the room but stopped to say, "Better hurry up and get down there. They've been there for a bit waiting on your lazy butt to wake up." Then she walked out of the room. I looked over to the clock to see it said 2:15 p.m. Geez I didn't realize I was sleeping for that long. I also didn't think I was that tired but oh well. I got up and threw on some shoes and made my way down the stairs. I could see the silhouette of a person sitting there on the porch swing through the window. I couldn't make out who it was though, as my eyes were covered in a weird film from where I was sleeping. I guess they heard the step creak when I was walking down so they got up and went back up to the door. I made my way over slowly almost dragging my feet. I reached for the door and my hand grabbed the handle. I slowly turned the nob and pulled open the door. This whole time I had been looked down so when I looked up my eyes where met by the sight of a gorgeous man holding a single pink rose. He was smiling with his dimples on full display and I couldn't help but blush. "I was gonna say good evening to you Tori but looks as though you've just woken up so good morning." "Good morning to you too I guess. Want to come in?" I stepped aside and he walked in. He took off his shoes and then handed me the rose. I held it up to my nose and sniffed it. It smelled amazing. The floral scent filled my nose and brought back memories of me laying on a rose covered hill with Kate having a picnic. It brought another one of me and her rolling down that same hill when we were even younger. I opened my eyes and said, "Thank you for this Joon. It was so sweet of you to bring this." "I saw it in a nearby flower shop window and wanted to bring it to you." I looked at him to see he was already ready for our date while I was still in my PJs. "Are you ready for the date Tori? I think you could go like this personally." He laughed a bit and I just turned and walked to my room. He followed me and went to lay down on the bed as I got ready. I went into the closet and grabbed my clothes then made my way to the bathroom so I could take a quick shower. I showered then put on my clothes and began my hair and makeup. I did very light and natural makeup today. Who am I kidding I do that everyday because that's the only thing I can do. I walked back out into the room and saw him laying there asleep. He looked so peaceful as he slept. I didn't want to wake him but I knew someone like him wouldn't want to be late for something like a date. "Hey Joon wake up. I'm ready to go now." He hopped up off the bed and grabbed my hand and said, "Alrighty then, let's get this show on the road." He led me down the stairs then out the door to the unknown location of our date.

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