Part 25:The Starship

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"You know babe, you sure talked a lot of game in there." "Yeah yeah. You won big whoop. Just take us to the next ride." I got beat in bumper cars. Somehow he only got hit 7 times while I was hit that a billon times over. "Ahhh don't be so sad now. You're the one that made the little wager anyway." "You're right," I sighed, "but I still don't get how you beat me. I was the champion when I was younger." "Don't hate the player hate the game." I lightly punched him him the arm. "Oh don't get so cocky now. There's still many other things I could take you down at." He chuckled. "Alright, if you say so. Now let's get on this ride of MY choice." He made sure to emphasize the "my" part. I just finally gave up trying to be serious and laughed at him. He led us to the new ride at the fair. At least it was new since the last time I was there. It was called the Starship. It looked almost like a UFO and spun around quickly. When the ride was loading or unloading, a big door opened down from the top to make a ramp for people to board. I almost thought they had taken a real UFO and were using it now for some ride. The line for this one wasn't as long as the others. I was able to realize why when we got up there and I read the signs. It said things like "We are not responsible for any harm or injury during the ride. Do not jump from seat to seat and risk the possibility of injury. Because there is no seatbelts, please hold on to the given bars at all times. Thank you for choosing the Starship." Whelp that really just gave me a real good feeling about this ride. Since there was no line, we got to board once the last people came off the ride. When they opened the door I watched as a man ran out and jumped the fence in order to puke. This is gonna be great. We got on the ride and went to out "seats" if that's what you want to call them. All they were were mats laid against the wall vertically with bars between each one so you could hold onto them. You stood up but your body was laid back at a slight angle. Soon the door closed and a man entered into the middle area of the ride that had all the controls in it. It was fenced off with bars to keep him from falling out I'd assume. He told all the general safety rules of any ride then started it up. It slowly started to spin us round but quickly picked up speed. I didn't think it would have picked up that much speed so I wasn't holding the bars at the time and my body was slung over to the bars between Namjoon and I. I quickly got my senses together and apologize to him. I managed to reposition myself where I previously was and actually held onto the bars this time. Then the ride started to move up and down while spinning us in a circle. It was almost like it made a squiggly line while we were spinning. That's the best way I could think of it. I felt an odd sense of gravity being messed with and looked forward to see people climbing up without having to do anything. It was crazy. Then I heard Namjoon laughing and looked over to see him doing the same as them. He was climbing around like a monkey and held onto nothing. I got so scared by this that I gripped onto the bars till my knuckles were white. "Hey Tori, come on its fun. This is the whole point of the ride is to let you do this." "Umm I think I'm good Joon thanks." "Please just climb up a bit to get a feel for it." "Fine. I guess if the worker isn't saying anything to you all then there is nothing wrong with it happening." I reluctantly released my grip and pushed myself up till I met Namjoon at the ceiling. "See. It's fun isn't it." "Yeah I guess you're right. It is kinda fun." I felt more relieved by the minute and even felt a smile making its way to my face. Me and Namjoon climbed around for a bit and then I returned to my "seat" as I felt my arms getting tired from pulling myself along. Namjoon followed me but he came to my "seat" and shared it with me instead of returning to his own. He laid beside me and grabbed hold of my hand. I looked over at him and he gave me a quick peck on the lips. "See aren't you glad now I won?" "Nope still not happy about that. But happy we road this ride, definitely." I giggled. The worker instructed everyone to return to their places as the ride was coming to an end. We all un loaded the ride. As I was walking I felt someone come up behind me. I figured it was Namjoon as he let me get off before him. He came right up behind me and was basically pressing up against me. We wrapped his arm around my waist and planted a kiss on my neck. I thought this was odd as I didn't think Namjoon would do something like this right now in public. That seemed a little too far as to what he would do. "Umm Joon...why did you just do that? Isn't that a little much for being in public?" I losened the grip on the arm and turned my body around. I nearly fell backwards when I realized it wasn't Namjoon. It was some creepy man standing there smiling at me. He seemed to be under the influence of something and smelled as if he had been drinking. As I looked closer I had realized it was the worker of the ride. I stumbled backwards. The man continued to walk towards me. I began to freak out mentally. I didn't want to scare any children nearby and cause a panic. My main concern was where had Namjoon gone to. "I was watching you that whole time. I couldn't take my eyes off you during that ride. I saw you climbing around and stretching your limbs. You even made eye contact with me for quite some time. You're very beautiful you know. Why don't you come home with me and we can have some fun with me and my buddies?" "I...I um I..." I couldn't form words. I was frozen in fear I was so scared. I had just realized I had been backed into the corner of another ride and there was no where I could run to escape. I decided I'd have to take my chances and try to fight him if he stepped closer. "I...I don't..." "She will not be going with you." A booming voice said that I instantly recognized as Namjoon. He stepped between the worker and me. "She won't be going anywhere. She's staying right here with me." "Get out of the way kid. This is no way to treat your elders. Maybe show some respect you spoiled brat." "I'm not the one that needs to learn respect old man. You need to learn how to respect a woman. Obviously when she's backing away from you doesn't that tell you she doesn't want you?" "I don't know what you're talking about kid. She was staring me seductively straight in the eye that whole ride. I watched her the whole time. I saw her stare into my eyes. I saw her climbing around. I saw how when she stretched her shirt came up slightly revealing her stomach. I also saw how her shorts rode up and I could see the bottom of her a..." The creepy man didn't finish what he was saying as Namjoon had given him an uppercut right into his nose. This caused the blood to trickle down his face. The hit also busted the man's lip. He brought his hand up and wiped the blood. "You're gonna pay for that kid!" Then he charged at Namjoon. He dodged the man and kicked him in the back of his legs causing him to face plant into the ground. Blood was now gushing out of his face and it had spread into the ground where he landed. The man tried to get up but before he did Namjoon landed one more punch to his head, knocking him out cold. As he laid there, a small puddle of blood began to form around his face. I stood there as tears poured down my face. I wasn't crying for the man's sake. I was crying because I thought Namjoon was going to be hurt. He turned to see me crying and ran over to me. "Tori are you ok? Are you hurt? Did that man do anything to you? So help me God if he did I'll..." "No Joon. I'm ok. He pressed against me and kissed my neck is all. I'm not hurt. But Namjoon don't worry about me. Are you ok? You just fought a man you're the one that needs to be asked if he's ok. Did he hit you at all?" "No he didn't. I'm just glad he didn't do anything else to you. I'm so sorry I wasn't behind you like I should have been. When we were unloading a couple of women came from the other side so I let them out and he went out with them. I didn't realize he was following you. I looked around for you until I saw a man standing suspiciously in a corner facing the ride. I didn't know you were over there until I saw your shoes and I instantly knew. I ran on over here came upon that happening. I'm so so sorry Tori. It's my fault that I let him get to you." "Namjoon it's not your fault," I put my hand up to his face as he was bowing his head in shame. "You were being a gentleman Joon. There's nothing wrong with what you did. You had no way of knowing that he was going to do that. All that matters is you got here in time to stop anything else from happening." "Yeah I guess so." He just shrugged his shoulders and still had his head hung low. I used my hand to make him look up at me. "Look at me Joon. I'm ok because of you. You're the one that stopped a bad situation from becoming even worse. You did that. Don't worry about it happening in the first place just know you are the one that stopped it and you are the one that saved me." His eyes were tearing up. My tears had started to slow. I watched as a tear fell from his eye followed by more. I went up on my toes and kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist, picking me up once he did so. I lifted my legs in the air and we just stood there in our sweet kiss. As we did, our tears mixed and fell as one onto the ground. He set me down and I just instantly hugged him. "We do probably need to call someone to come and get him." "I know. But can we please just stay here for a second longer baby?" He drew back and looked at me shocked. His face blushed over and he said, "Tori... did you just call me baby?" "Yeah. I guess so. Sorry if it was a weird time. It just felt right and I felt the need to say it." "No no no. Tori you don't know how much I've wanted you to call me something like that. Anything actually." "Well them wish granted." I laughed. "Tori, I know this might be bad timing and we've only been on one date but..." "But what Namjoon?" "Tori, will you be my girlfriend?" I was so shocked to hear those words. The whole world stopped and it seemed as tho I was just floating around in the universe. I got my thoughts back. "Namjoon..." "Yeah Tori?" "I would absolutely love more than anything to be your girlfriend." "Are you being serious?" "Only if you are." "Well then babe, looks like it's official." "I can't believe this!" "Neither can I babe neither can I." I couldn't contain my excitement anymore so I jumped up into his arms and kissed him. He caught me and held me. I began crying again but this time it was tears of joy.

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