Part 27:The Moonchild

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As we were walking, I spotted and all too familiar hill up a little ways from the road. As I looked, memories began to come and project themselves into the scene before me. I saw my younger self and mother sitting there on the bench. As I was short at the time, I kicked my legs back and forth watching as the sun went down and the moon rose up. Me and my mother sat there in silence watching and waiting for the giant ball of white would rise into the sky and project and luminous glow on the dart around us. The stars would slowly make their way into the sky one by one revealing themselves from their hiding places. It was a happier time when things like this would happen. When my mother would look at me lovingly and not with eyes of hatred as she does now.   Tears started to well up in my eyes as I slowly walked over to the bench, moving slowly in a hope not to disturb the scene in front of me. I quietly set down the stuffed dog and continued to walk over. As I approached I began to reach my hand out to try and grab hold of this moment and never let it go away again. I hoped if I could maybe I'd be able to help things that were happening. Alas, once my hand touched the back of my once loving mother, she and my younger self both dispersed quickly into invisible little shards. Soon there was no trace of it ever being there which I guess made sense because they weren't actually just there. It was a simple memory. I walked around the bench and sat myself down where my younger self sat just moments before. I had honestly became so lost in that scene before me, I didn't realize that tears were silently streaming down my face. I also had completely forgotten that Namjoon was standing right there and had probably seen that whole thing happen. He probably also thought I was insane when I was reaching my hand out crying at nothing but air. He sat down on the bench beside me and I saw him looking over at me with worried eyes waiting for me to respond in some way. I didn't do anything. I simply say there staring at the moon, studying it. Seeing how the colors fluctuated to accent the craters formed across its surface. I looked at how the stars framed it again the sky and made the perfect back drop for this beautiful sight. "You know Namjoon," I started, "When I was younger my mother used to bring me out to this same bench. We'd sit here and watch the sunset. We'd see all the colors dancing through the sky. We'd watch how all the shadows bent and danced along with the colors as the sun progressively would get lower and lower until it made its way behind the horizon. It was a beautiful sight, but that's not why we came. We came to watch the moon. We would wait till it was up beyond all the buildings, staring down at us from the sky. My mother would tell me stories of children in the moon. The children would help the man in the moon to hoist the moon into the sky after sunset, and then helped to bring it down when sunrise came. When they were finished with this work they would simply sit and watch the children of the world run and play. That's when their other job came. After the manual labor was done with they would watch over and protect the children of the world. They would help prevent things from happening to the innocent children. They would be sure that nothing was to happen to any child while under their watch. In the off chance something did occur, they made up for it by consoling the child and getting them through it. I always wanted to be a moonchild when I was younger. It seemed as though it was the best job in the world. I loved to watch the moon at night, but even more so I loved to help people. I did all I could as a child to make people feel better and try to keep things from happening. I knew that anytime I actually did something, it wasn't really me but the power of the moonchildren that helped me. I wanted to be the one that would help people. I wanted to help children make it though some of the rough lives they had been delt. " I went silent for a second to wipe my eyes as they began to tear up again. I quickly pulled my hand up and wiped away the tears threatening to spill over. Then I slowly continued. "Then I got older. I realized that just as the moon children weren't real, the stories my mother told weren't real. And just as the stories she told weren't real, the love she pretended to show wasn't real either. She became wicked and cold. She was shut off from the world and was so angry all the time at the place in which she refused to enjoy living in. She took all her anger on the world out on me. I always would wonder why the moon children never helped me when she would be enraged. Why they would never calm her down during her fits or give her another distraction instead of me, but they never did. For years I had to continue enduring pain and suffering at her hands and not once did I feel helped by them at all. I realized it was all a lie. Everything in my life had been. The stories, the love. Everything that made me who I was wasn't even real. I accepted the fact that no one would ever help me other than myself. I decided to endure all of it knowing one day I could escape." The tears fell. "I didn't ever actually escape. I'm still trapped to this day. I wasn't leaving on my free will. It was another one of her punishments she loved to give me. Only this time it was a two-in-one with homelessness and a scar across the face. It made me realize I'd never be a moonchild. " I sat there silently as did he. The only sound was the slight sound of crickets chirping in the background. "Tori," He began, "you're wrong." "What do you mean I'm wrong?" I ask slightly in disbelief. "You said the moon children weren't real. You also said that you'd never become one. Both at false." "How exactly do you mean?" He finally peeled his eyes off the sky for the first time since he'd sat down and they went straight to mine. He took his hands and encased mine in his. The warmth radiating off his hands just made me realize how cold it actually was. "You are wrong Tori. You are wrong because you are a moonchild. You are my moonchild. You have helped me to see and do things I never thought I could before. You have opened new emotions in me I didn't know existed. You have helped me Tori and you have helped those around more than you'd ever know because you are a moonchild." I stared into his deep brown eyes as my blue ones watered up again. I thought I had already cried all that was possible tonight but I thought wrong. He pulled me into him and held me there as I sobbed against his chest, my tears wetting his shirt slightly. So much had happened all in one night and I was just not getting all of it at once and it had hit me hard. He was rubbing circles on my back trying to calm me down. I still couldn't stop thinking about everything that had happened today until my thoughts were stopped by the sound of him singing something softly into my ear. "Moonchild you shine...When you rises,it's your time...C'mon yo Moonchild don't cry...When moon rises, it's your time..."

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