Part 24:The Stamp

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"Are you sure you can't just tell me where we are going Joonie? Pwease tewwlll meee," I said in a baby voice while pouting. "Very cute Tori. I must say you almost made me tell you but I want to surprise you." "Ugh fine," I folded my arms and pouted still trying to get him to crack. "Still not gonna work Tori," he said laughing. I threw my hands up in the air to show my defeat. "Actually Tori we are almost there so there's something I have to do. I did say I wanted to surprise you." "Fine Joon do your worst." Once I said that he stepped behind me and put his hands over my eyes. His touch was so gentle and his hands were so soft. I don't know how but for some reason even his hands smelt good. This man is an absolute mystery to me. "Alright and forward march." When he said that I giggled a bit and started walking forward. I had no clue as to where I was going so I just let him guide me and trusted him not to walk me out into the middle of the road somewhere. After a few minutes of walking, I began picking up on some familiar scents. I smelt something that resembled the scent of heavily buttered popcorn, pizzas, salted pretzels, and most distinctly, funnel cake. My mouth instantly watered when I picked up the smell of that delicious fried dough with powdered sugar dumped on in cups. I didn't know exactly where we were going still as many places could have sold these things. I just trusted him and continued walking but fought to contain the drool trying to creep out of my mouth. We continued and I then began picking up on the sounds of children screaming with excitement and adults chattering away about all the things happening. I could also hear the gears of something turning and the sound of metal gates swinging open and closing on squeaky hinges. I had my suspicions as to where we were but didn't put much thought into them because if I was right in what I thought I didn't want to not be surprised when he removed his hands. Speaking of his hands, I could only imagine how funny it looked seeing a girl walking around aimlessly with a man behind her covering her eyes. Watching as the laughed at each other when the man misguided her and she nearly ran into things. I was brought out of my thoughts because I had realized we had stopped walking. "Alright just a second longer Tori and then you can look. Do you think you can wait long enough?" "Well...I don't know Namjoon. It is pretty tempting to just remove your hands myself." I said jokingly. "But I guess since you're so set on surprising me I'll withhold me urge to do so." "Well just so you know, I wouldn't have let you look even if you wanted to," he laughed. "Mhm whatever you say." He moved one hand to cover both of my eyes and removed the other one off my face completely. I then heard him talking to someone in front of us to our left. Simply all he said was "Two please" and then "thank you" after the person said have a nice day. We started walking again but stopped when he heard the person say, "oh wait sir your stamps." "Oh yes of course. I apologize, it seemed to have slipped my mind." "That's quite alright. I nearly forgot as well." He moved forward and pressed his chest to my back and stuck the arm out that he had removed earlier. Then we retracted it only to grab my and hold it forward as well. I felt the cool stamp press onto my skin and felt it stick when the person removed the stamped tool. "Have a nice night you two." "Yes you too, thank you." We walked a couple more steps forward then stopped again. "Alright Tori are you ready to see where we are?" "Not really, is actually quite rather we stay like this." "Haha very funny. You know sarcasm isn't your strong suit." "Whatever could you mean," I said pretending to be shocked and offended. "I'm kidding Joon. I wanna see now. The anticipation is killing me." "Alright. Three, two, one. Look!" He removed his hands and my eyes were flooded by all the colors moving around all the rides and games. Children ran by with mouths stained blue from their snow cones. Some carried cotton candy with them as well. Parents followed behind. Some alone, others together. Others pushing baby strollers or carrying handfuls of stuffed animals. There were also multiple other people that I'd assume to be here on a date just like us. I still couldn't wrap my mind around the fact I was on a date with my longtime crush. One that I thought would never even know of my existence, and here I am on a date with him at one of my favorite places. The fair. "The fair was in town so I figured why not go to it. I thought it would be a perfect first date and I also thought it seemed like something you'd really enjoy." "You couldn't have been more right Joon. I haven't been to a fair in years so I'm super excited to be here." "Well then let's get started because we absolutely have to ride everything." "Agreed." This time I grabbed his hand and pulled him off in the direction of all the rides. We ran by food vendors and games. When we were running by, I saw a giant Rottweiler stuffy. That just so happened to be my all time favorite dog breed so I stopped in my tracks. Namjoon wasn't looking at me and didn't realize I had stopped so he ran into me and we nearly tumbled. "Oh no! I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention." "Joon it's ok," I said laughing. I looked back over to the stuffy. I pictured it sitting on my bed at home. I could run into my room and jump onto it and it would almost absorb me completely. "We'll come back by later. First let's get some energy out on the rides." "Definitely." We walked side by side until we first approached the bumper cars. We turned and looked at one another then both said, "Oh you're totally going down." When we said it at the same time we both just started laughing. We went and hopped in line. It was quite busy here tonight so the line was fairly long. I was observing my surroundings and Joon pulled out his phone. I looked over at him being fully focused on it. It seemed as tho he had completely zoned out in whatever he was doing or looking at. Today at the fair he wore a white t-shirt and some black jeans. As I stood there looking at him I was taking in his appearance. I saw how his mouth was slightly ajar and his hair fell down in front of his face slightly. I saw his defined arms being flexed from the position he was holding the phone. I noticed how the thin white tee slightly stuck to his chest, revealing the definition there. He looked so handsome and he wasn't even doing anything. He was just simply standing there on his phone. I didn't realize he had been watching me the whole time as I was checking him out. "See something you like?" He smirked and chuckled. I blushed and turned my head in embarrassment. "Umm..." Suddenly I found some courage out of no where  and said, "Yeah, you. Duh." I mentally snaked myself and hand to push my arm down to keep from doing it in real life. He seemed a bit taken aback by that confidence that came out of no where just as much as I was. But he did seem to enjoy it as he perked his head up and smiled. "Well I like you too and have checked you out multiple times so I guess we're even." He just admitted to checking me out multiple times. I really don't get what he's checking out. There is nothing to see. I stand there still trying to come up with a reason as to what he sees in me but my thoughts came to a halt when I saw the worker open the gate to let new riders enter the bumper car ring. "Looks like our go now Joon. Don't say I didn't warn you when I destroy you at this." I smirked and shrugged my shoulders. "Oh you think that now babe but you'll be singing a different tune when I'm the one chasing you around in the cars." "I saw whoever gets hit the least of us two gets to pick the next ride." "You're on." We stepped through the gate and chose our cars. To make things fair we went on completely opposite sides of the ring.  He shouted across and said, "see you on the other side when we're going to my ride next." "Oh I wouldn't be so sure of yourself. Back in my day I could take down anyone at bumper cars." "We'll see about that." Next thing we heard was the speaker saying "Press down and the pedal and turn the wheel. Press down on the pedal and turn the wheel." Then out cars came to life and it was game on.

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