Part 16:The Night Alone

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2 hours later

I had finally gotten tired of sleeping and needed to stretch my legs a bit. I knew that Namjoon was the only one left in the house as the other guys were out having fun. I felt kinda bad that Joon couldn't go out with his friends because he had stayed home to take care of me. I shouldn't even be there and here he is putting my needs first. I struggled to sit up in the bed as I was still a bit out of it from my accident earlier. I managed to get up though despite my problems. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and my bare feet hit the cold floor and sent a chill up my spine. I saw a pair of slides sitting by the side of the bed so I slipped them on despite them being too big. I got up using the bed as a crutch because I didn't want to fall again. My legs were a bit shaky at first but they eventually got their balance again. I pushed off the bed and took a couple small steps to test if I'd fall before I began my journey through the house. After a couple minutes I was off out of the room. I heard the muffled sound of the TV playing on some show. When I exited the room I saw Namjoon sitting on the sofa watching the TV. I decided I play around with him a bit as he was seated in a way where he couldn't see me. I snuck up behind him and put my hands over his eyes. "Guess who?" "Hmmm Jungkook" "Wrongo! Guess again." "Hmmm I'm not too sure maybe it's..." Before I knew it he had grabbed my hands and pulled me over the couch basically into his lap. "Tori!" He finally finished. Then he began tickling me to death. I was nearly screaming because of it. "St...ssstttoooo...stoopppp it Namjoon," I say between squeals and laughs. "This is what you get for trying to scare me," he says then attacking my ribs with full force tickling. After a couple minutes that felt like eternity to me he finally stopped. We were both breathing heavily then we just looked at each other and laughed. I got off of him and sat down on the other end of the couch. We sat together and just watched TV for a few hours.

2 more hours later

Namjoon broke the silence. "So I never really asked because I didn't feel the time was right when I picked you up but what really happened that night?" I instantly knew which night he was referring to as he glanced over to my bandaged cheek while he was talking. "Well you know how I was on the phone with you and all. Well my mom came in and started to go off on me about it. She always does stuff like that and calls me all these horrid things. I'm used to it honestly but this time something changed. Normally I sit there and take it and just do as she says to please her but this time I didn't. She gave me an ultimatum and I chose you. I chose the option that she didn't agree with. I guess as a result she finally snapped and well..." I started to tear up thinking back to that night. Thinking back to the fire in her eyes, the anger. I thought back to the feeling of her slapping me and her ring tearing into the skin on my cheek. I thought back to how she kicked me out without a second thought and abandoned me all for wanting to talk to a boy. "Well she went too far. She had never went to this point before. She slapped me. When she did her ring tore through my flesh and left me with my bleeding wound. Then she kicked me out and I was just walking down the street looking for some sort of shelter. Then that guy came and then you, my knight in shining armor, came to save me. And now I'm here." He just stared at me for a bit. I could see all the emotions building up in his beautiful eyes. I could see the pain he felt, the anger, the pity. I could see it all. I just looked away as I knew I was about to start crying and I didn't want him to see that. He had seen me weak too many times when he shouldn't have. No one needs to see me this weak. I was pitiful. All my life I'd put up with things and now I've basically finally broken. I never mentioned the part to him about how dark my thoughts have become before and some of the things that crossed my mind. All the ways I could stop it all. I felt it wasn't the time to tell him. He saw right through it. I felt some movement on the sofa and eventually a felt a pair of hands enclose mine. I still didn't face him as now I was crying silently. He didn't need to see my tears. I was then gently forced to make eye contact with him as one of his hands came up to my non-damaged cheek and turned my head. "Tori look at me. I can see everything. You didn't say it but I can already tell what it is you didn't say. You don't have to because I know. And I also know you never need to be back into that place again. Your thoughts never need to go back to that. Ever. If your mother couldn't care for you as she should that's her fault. She's throwing out something that is too good for this word. Someone who is too sweet and has so much love to give despite not receiving it herself." I now had two waterfalls of tears streaming down my face and began to shake and whimper quietly. I was then pulled into a tight embrace by Namjoon. My face was in his chest and his arms were wrapped around me. He started to slowly rub circles around my back. This was the safest I had felt in a long long time. I felt I could finally let out what I had been holding in for so long. I could finally show my weakness and not have to be strong anymore. Just like he had read my mind he leaned down and whispered into my ear, "It's ok. You don't have to be strong anymore. You can let it all out." At these words I did let it all out. I cried profusely and didn't stop till every last drop of pent up anger and sadness was out of me. When I was done we still sat there for a little while. Still in our embrace. "Thank you so much for this Namjoon. You have no idea how much this has helped to clear my mind. I feel as a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. If it's ok with you I think I'm gonna go take a shower now and get all these dried tears off my face," I said into his chest. He pulled back and said, "there's something I want to do first." I didn't even have the chance to process what he had said before his lips crashed into mine. He wasn't being aggressive but he definitely wasn't being gentle either. He slowly began push his weight forward to get me to lean back into the sofa. I did because I knew there was no fighting him right now and I didn't want to either. I jumped a little bit when I felt the sofa hit my back and I realized I was laying down on my back with Namjoon on top of me kissing me. I soon felt his tongue gliding across my lips asking for entrance and I obliged and slightly opened my mouth. We danced together in the kiss in perfect rhythm. Not a single move off beat. It's as if we had clicked and could read each other's mind as to where we would go or do next. And he retracted but we still sat there our noses touching. And he came back in for one final sweet kiss to end it. And then he pulled back again and gave an adorable innocent dimpled smile. How could a many kiss like that then smile like a child? It made no sense but I wasn't complaining at all. I just sat there my cheeks bright red with a dorky grin on my face. He leaded down and kissed me on my forehead then said, "You probably should go take that shower now so that afterwards we can change those bandages babe." Then he winked and got off of me. DID HE JUST CALL ME BABE!!! I almost passed out when I heard that but instead got up and quickly nodded and ran to the shower. I heard him laugh as I sprinted away to the safety of that shower.

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