Today was already in the afternoon, at the corner of the alley, there's a group of people who fighting to each other. Sonchai kicked the other guy stomach and he then use his baseball bat to hit the other man back.
Narong shouted. "Ai'Chai! there too many of them! We need to fall back for now!" After he said it he pulled the youngest in their group, it was Aroon. He then use his club stick to hit the man who was fighting with Aroon, the man dodged the club and swinging his baseball bat, Aroon saw it and pushed Narong. Narong stumbled upon push and Aroon was the one been hit by the baseball bat, he was hit to his hand and kneeled down, his hand was dislocated by the hit.
The man who gave hit was Kai, the Gangster Leader at the other group called The Dragon Club.
Sonchai saw this scene and immediately jumped on the fight, he then kicked him off, Kai pushed back, and did not fight with them. He stared at the young man who has received with his hit.
Sonchai helped him to stand up and said. "Retreat for now!" The seven sins member heard this and immediately prepared to retreat, the members of Kai gang used the the club stick to hit Sonchai, Sonchai was fast enough and immediately blocked it, then he kicked the man stomach. The man groaned in pain and rolled over the ground. Wayo looked at his teammates and sign them to fall back. The man who was kicked by Sonchai immediately got up and in his pocket he take out a small knife, then pointed it to Sonchai before stabbing his back, Narong saw the man coming from behind and immediately blocking the knife, but it's too late the knife pierce through his hand to his waist.
Holding the knife with blood, Narong cough few time's. Sonchai was extremely mad and immediately kicked the guy and used his baseball bat to hit the other man, the guy guarded himself with his hand and only get wound in his hand with blood.
Aat and Boon forwarded the scene and hold Sonchai. "Enough Ai'Chai! We need to bring him to the hospital!" Aat said. Sonchai back to his sense and his eyes wet from tears, his gang take Narong to the nearest hospital.
Narong coughing with blood and Aat hold Narong stomach where Narong was stabbed, holding the wound and tried to stop the blood.
"We need to hurry up, the blood was already drain to much, he need a medical attention!" Aat stated.
Sonchai was in daze, he still the leader of this gang but, the thing he scared the most this, Narong was Ger like them! what if people saw his mark and used him like others do? what if some girl kill them again? This was the only way he know to protect his Gang, he made this Gang so no one will know that they're all Ger. They need to fight for their own lives.
"What if, they saw his mark?" Sonchai said.
"Let's think about it later! We need to save him! Or he will die like our parents!" Boon said. "Aroon need medical attention too, don't be stupid we will find a way to resolve this!" After saying that, he slapped Sonchai to wake him up from his daze. "Don't be stupid, you will find a way, we trusted you for too long!"
Sonchai nodded and help them to carry him, when they arrived at the Seatang Hospital, at emergency room, there was a bunch of people who was on the ER too.
"Gave as a way!" Charn shouted while carrying Aroon in his shoulder.
Some nurse are startled by them, a group of beautiful young men with a baseball bat and club stick? Huh! A bunch of gangster here!
Other nurses are frightened by them, Charn reach out to the head nurse who was standing there and said. "We need a doctor for my friend he was bleeding!" He said. The nurse was frightened by him and didn't answer. "What are you staring at! didn't you hear me! I said we need a Doctor!"

My Wife Is A Gangster(Mpreg)Complete
RomanceAll the pictures belong to rightful owner, I just own the fictional plot In this world, there was three kinds of people, Man Woman and Ger. 5% of the population of the people is Ger, Due to low population, Ger was a indeed treasure, plus they bea...