Authors POV.
Week already past but Pring still hadn't make a move, Phana running out if patience anymore, luckily Forth keep him cool down. Chou method was indeed good and best way to deal with Pring.
Chou said that they will wait to Pring make her own moved in the first place, Chou also said that he knows that Pring running out of money already, and because of wanted poster with rewards from her head making her move more limited.
This rewards also disadvantage from Phana side, because if Pring couldn't move well, she also couldn't do anything, and hide her self, it's harder to find a rat home than putting a trap for her. This method need patience, but Phana already miss his wife, he just hold himself because he knows that is for their safety.
Phana sighed deeply and walked outside the terrace of his house, he looked at the sky before lowering his head, he was about to enter again when he saw a person peeking through the alley, Phana pretend that he did not noticed that, and stretching out his amrs, before he entered the house again. As soon as he entered, he immediately looked at Forth and Chou and said. "Looks like she bit the trap, I saw a person peeking through the alley."
Forth asked. "You sure that's her?"
"I'm not sure, but it was suspicious, because she covered her whole body like a Muslim, you know that there's a few Muslim in Thailand, so I'm guessing that her." Phana explained.
Chou nodded, it was indeed that suspicious. "It's look like she's making her move."
"Let's go and catch her?" Phana said.
"Wait." Forth stopped him halfway. "Don't be reckless, what if she have gun or men's beside him?"
"The gun was indeed dangerous." Chou interrupt them. "But, I'm sure she cannot afford to hire hooligans for him." Chou walked to the window and peek in the alley, he saw a female person that Phana see. "I suggest that to wait, and let her move first." Chou smirked.
"Do you have another plans?" Forth said.
"Yes." Chou replied shortly but his eyes has a meaningful.
Forth and Phana nodded. The guards outside the house talking, one of them said. "I don't know why they asked us to guard this house, there's nothing dangerous will go inside, everyone knew whos the owner of this house, no one dare to rubbed here."
"Yes, I'm really sleepy, ohh. How about this let's take a shot, I have very good alcohol here." One of them said.
"Good, good, I'm starving to get drunk." The four of them started to drink.
Pring watching them and her lips curves, after a few days of hiding and wearing this Muslim outfit, she was really sick wearing this and for her it was not comfortable. (A/N: no offense to Muslim readers, is just fanfiction and only base on character attitude, I'm sorry in advance if you found it offensive).
Pring gritted her teeth, she suffer a lot from hiding, because of lack of money, she couldn't move freely, she cannot even ate properly. Pring also frustrate when she thinking about how she suffer while Wayo laying on the mansion that she dream in the first place, for her point of view, Wayo stole everything to her, her dream man, her life, her niece life, her freedom and everything.
Holding a kitchen knife, Pring gripped her hold and waited for a chance, when the guards fell asleep and drunk, she sneak inside without noticed of others, her goal is to eliminate Wayo, in that way her life will be completed.
She was a bit surprise when she found that all the guards was in front, she felt a bit suspicious, but this is only her chance to eliminate her target. She slowly open the master bedroom door, she found Phana sleeping, while there's a person his side, it was Wayo for sure, because Phana hugging him. That person head was at Phana chest not revealing his face, Pring gritted her teeth in anger, she supposed to be the one who's hugging Phana while sleeping, she supposed to be the one who's sleeping beside him, she supposed to be the on bearing a child to her stomach, but Wayo came to Phana's life and stole everything for her.

My Wife Is A Gangster(Mpreg)Complete
RomanceAll the pictures belong to rightful owner, I just own the fictional plot In this world, there was three kinds of people, Man Woman and Ger. 5% of the population of the people is Ger, Due to low population, Ger was a indeed treasure, plus they bea...