All the pictures belong to rightful owner, I just own the fictional plot
In this world, there was three kinds of people,
Woman and
5% of the population of the people is Ger,
Due to low population, Ger was a indeed treasure, plus they bea...
At the dark abandoned building, the police who help Pring walked towards upstairs at the front, while Pring at his back, Pring told him that her money was inside this building, he was excited to get all the money like Pring promise, they already at the 7th floor, and Pring pointed at the old drawer near at the window.
The building was really old, all the window was broken and some are already no glass left. The police walked towards the drawer and excitedly opened it, he frowned upon seeing it was empty. His hand clenched and looked at Pring. "Whats the meaning of this?"
Pring acted like he don't know what happen too, but jt was actually her plan, she run towards the drawer near to the police and pretending to look too. "Impossible! I'm sure I left it all here!" The police gritted his teeth, he felt like Pring fooled him. Then Pring smirked, she suddenly stand up and pushed the police towards the broken window, the police was caught of guard and fell on Pring trap. "Stupid you think I still have money left? You're too fooled to believe me." She laugh like crazy bitch.
The police already at the ground with blood all over his body, he was obviously no breath already.
The news about Pring escaped in her day of sentence was report all over the country, Phana eyes darkened while Wayo heart tightened, he felt like his family life was in danger again.
Phana clenched his fist, he then looked at his wife, he saw Wayo was worried about something again. Phana calmed himself, he patted his Wife shoulder and said. "Yo, please promise me you won't do anything recklessly without me do you understand?"
Wayo stared at his eyes and their eyes met. He nodded, now Wayo knew that he wasn't alone, he have Phana in his side. "I promise, errr.. Pha, how about the children?"
Phana sighed deeply. "Nong'Dream!" He shouted.
Dream immediately arrived at his front and greet him. "Yes Young Master?"
"Take the children at my family rest house, don't you ever came back here as long I did not say." Phana put his hands to Dream. "I trusted you more than everyone else, please do everything to protect my children, even it cost with your life."
Dream eyes become serious, it was a top mission that he cannot be failed. "Yes Young Master, rest assured that I will do everything even it cost my life to protect them."
Phana nodded and Wayo was pleased. "Go now."
Dream immediately leave the house with Chimon and Runway, Wayo and Phana also left the house, they go to Forth house and told what happen, Forth went with them while Beam was forced to go with Can house, everyone in seven sins was ordered to went Can house why? First Can house was big, second, Can husband was Tin and Tin have a lot of man who can protect with them.
Now, Phana and Forth was about to leave his house when a familiar figure came to them, Phana frowned upon seeing him. "What are you doing here?"
Chou smiled and said. "I heard that bitch was escaped again, I'm here to help you guys."
Phana knew that Chou already change and helped Wayo last time, without Chou, maybe his future son wad already dead. "How would you help us?"
"Im experienced chasing the criminals, not to mention I'm a cop before, also, I know well how Pring work." Chou said.
Phana did not think twice and accepted his help. Wayo wanted to come with them too, but Chou said it's better if he was not there since he was pregnant, Wayo will delayed all if he was with them, so Wayo have no choice but to come with Beam at Can house.
The man hunt operations begin for Pring head, dead or alive, whoever can told where she was will receive 1million baht. This is one of the method Chou said to minimize Pring move, she cannot move well if there's a reward in his head.
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When Pring walked in the street, she found a newspaper about her, with big reward in her head, Pring clenched her fist in anger, she don't have much money to move freely now this money reward was multiple times bigger than her money in pocket. "Arrrrhh!" She groaned in anger. After that she went to the market where many peoples to mix her face there, she buy a muslim dress to cover her all over body.
This way people wont recognize her face. It was indeed effective, days past still no news about her.
Wayo and his group still staying at Can house, Tin also ordered his man to patrol the area, all the suspicious person will automatically reported to him directly. This days they did not found anything.
At Phana side, they're inside of Phana house, this place is the best place and dangerous place for them, it can be safe because it was his house it can also be dangerous since this place knew by Pring, but Chou insist to used this place, for some reason like, if Pring make her move this place is the first place she will went, this place also will be trap for her, using this place will be easier for them to catch her.
This method was indeed good, Phana agreed all what Chou said, althought he still don't trust Chou. But in the he will not loss anything, Wayo and his children is already in the safe place, so if Chou do something suspicious he can easily take him down. Not to mention Forth is in his side.
To be continue.
Short chapter, I just want to update even a bit, my flu already 2days and also have fever.
Sorry guys. I'll make it up to you next update. Thanks.
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