The Argo II

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"Please don't go!!" You pleaded your bestfriend.

"I have to y/n. I know more than they think. And there's other things I need to do." His face was as emotionless as usual, which made you feel even worse, as if he wouldn't even miss you.

"But I'll miss you..."

"No you won't."  Nico stepped forward and held you hands.

"Because your coming with me." Before you could say anything he shadow travelled with you to the deck of a ship.

"Neeks!! I told you to never do that without warning me." He smirked but you began to feel dizzy and collapsed into his arms.

You sat up in your bed. Wait, this wasn't your bed. Not in your cabin at least. You looked around to see Nico sitting beside you, snoozing with his head on the desk next to the bed.

"Neeks. Neeeks!!" You whispered, poking him in the side. His eyes fluttered open as he snorted.

"Hey. You're awake." He sat up properly and turned to face you.

"Where are we?" It was odd. You swear you had been on a boat when you landed.

"The Argo II." He began to get up.

"Where are you going?"

"To my room. This is yours. And if Hedge catches us together after hours... You don't want to find out. Getting grounded bores the life out of people."

"See you in the morning, Neeks."

"Night, Y/n."


"And this, is my wonderful masterpiece, the Argo II." Leo announced as he gave you a grand tour before he left.

"Leo. Do you have to go?" You looked at him with self pity in your eyes.

"You know I do, Y/n. I'm part of the prophecy." You had both stopped walking and were staring into each others eyes.

"But, who will make me laugh? I'll be sad without you." Your head dropped and looked at the ground

"I'll make you laugh, silly." He lifted your chin with his hand.

"How. You'd never have enough Drachmas to Iris message me alot."

"I'm not going to Iris message you."

"And you can't use a mobile." You looked at the ground again.

"I'm bringing something extremely special so we can talk all the time." You look up at him.

"Nothing could possibly work."

"Oh. It will."

"Then what is it?" Leo pulled out a massive empty bag.

"You." He picked you up as you smiled, put you in the bag and carried you onto the Argo II, to the confused and extremely amused faces of the rest of the seven.


 You woke up, a little shocked that your bestfriend had purposely knocked you out. All you could say, was you were blind-folded, tied to a chair, and not in your cabin. The silent whispers were annoying you, until finally someone whipped off the blind-fold. The scene revealed six happy faces and a very annoyed Annabeth.

"SURPRISE!!" Percy yelled.

"Surprise that you kidnapped me?" You looked at him slightly annoyed, with still no clue were you were.




"Oh Gods Percy!! Thanks!! Now can you untie me?"

"Oh... yeah... sorry. You kick in your sleep. I had to." The roped fell to the floor, your stood up, ran over to Percy and judo flipped in before picking him up and hugging him.

"Thanks, Seaweed Brain."

"No problem, Nutcase." (Random nickname. Do not dis.) 



“Jason!! Put me down!!” Your bestfriend had grabbed you and was currently flying through the air with you struggling in his arms.

“I thought you were supposed to be on The Argo II. You left 10 minutes ago!!” Jason wouldn’t say a thing; he just kept flying straight on.

“JASON!! ANSWER ME!!” And then he responded, by dropping you, straight down into the clouds. You couldn’t see what was below you as you screamed, and you were almost crying from the confusion that your bestfriend had just dropped you from 100 feet in the air. Suddenly, you hit something, and underneath you were the annoyed bodies of Percy and Frank, and laughing his head off was the one and extremely annoying, Leo Valdez. Jason landed next to you and smirked. You pulled yourself up and socked him in the arm, as hard as you could.

“Never, do that again!! Or you will live to regret it.” You said, trying to catch your breath from screaming. All Jason could do was laugh at your face. He flung out his arms.

“Welcome, to The Argo II.”


“Where are we going!?!” Your bestfriend had offered to give you a spontaneous ride on his hellhound form, but had diverted his course, and was now randomly bounding along through the forest to some unknown destination.

“Frank!!” He was going so fast you couldn’t even attempt to jump off him, so you held on as tight as you could as he changed into an eagle and flew you onto something in the sky. You were afraid of heights, so your eyes were shut tight, but as soon as you felt him stop you opened them, to see you had landed on the Argo II.

“And to think, you believed me when I said I was leaving my bestfriend behind.” Frank chuckled.

“I always believe you.”

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