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After a very long day, Zach's first day was over, and he had a lot of questions.

Why was everyone here so accepting of him? Why were his friends not? How did his first day turn out so well? His thoughts were interrupted by a notification on his phone.

"text from Jonah." the automated voice announced. Is heart stopped. Jonah. He was the only one who didn't know. The one who he was too scared to tell incase he left like everyone else who had the option to did.

Everyone except his family.

Was Jonah his family? He clicked the home button on his phone, allowing the automated voice continue.

"Reading message. Hey Zach, how are you? can I call you?
End of message. Would you like to reply?"

He held down the home button with his thumb, activating the microphone.
"call Jonah." he said and before long he could hear ringing coming from his phone, before a familiar voice answered.

Not wanting to interrupt the boy, Corbyn placed his hand on on Zach's and guided it towards his elbow before he began walking out of the schools boundaries.

"Jo hi, how are you?"

"I'm good, how are you? Feeling better?"

Zach sighed. "a little bit, I did think about it again today." he sheepishly admitted.

"well, do you want me to come round to see you?"

"no, I'm going to a friends house. Did I tell you it was my first day at school today?"

"no you didn't, now I definitely need to talk to you," Jonah perked up a bit.

"Can I come round after? I need to tell you something else." Zach said. He had decided to tell Jonah about his eyesight.

They said their goodbyes and Zach called is mother, informing  her that he was going round a friends house. She only let him because she was surprised he had made friends on his first day, but she was proud of him, nonetheless.

They arrived at Corbyn's house and were swiftly led to his bedroom. The room was navy blue with stars littering the walls. He had a bunk bed and underneath there were various sheets hanging from the walls and ceiling making the small space tent-like.

The floor was littered with beanbags and cushions and there was a small box on the floor which projected the patterns  of stars onto the sheets. Next to a single window sat an overflowing  bookshelf which only featured books about space.

On the other side of the window was a small desk with model rockets, astronauts and the occasional dinosaur next to an old, dusty laptop. He had various guitars, ukuleles and other instruments arranged neatly in a like, although he claimed that most of them weren't his, but it didn't matter if all of them were his or not, he still found it breathtaking and made Corbyn and Jack describe every inch of detail he couldn't see, silently cursing himself for not being bothered to decorate his room to be as interesting as Corbyn's.

It was at that point that Zach decided that everying was going to be okay.

And I can't help, falling in love with


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