i. insecure

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"Yeah Bebe Rexha is nominated.. Dua Lipa-"

"Ohh she's hot!" Matt said as everyone else agreed.

"Crazyyy hot!"

"She really is oh god." Shawn groaned, taking a sip from his drink.

Y/N just smiled at that and shook her head lightly. "She's great."

Y/N and Shawn are out at a dinner with Shawns friend because he just came home and hasn't seen them in so long.

And he just said that. Not about some celebrity, but about someone he personally knows. A friend. Who wasn't her.

They spent the rest of dinner talking about random things and what their plans were for Valentines Day.

"Hey," Shawn mumbled, touching her leg, "you ready to go?"

Y/N nodded and smiled.


It's not that she's hurt about her boyfriend finding a girl hot. It's that the girl is a friend that he sees often and even did the jingle ball tour with. And they wanted to collab. He was with her for a while and what? The whole time he was thinking about how hot she was?

And she is hot. She's so pretty and kind and talented and just amazing.

Shawn knocked on the dressing room door, "Babe, how does it look?"

Oh yeah. She's trying on dresses for the Grammys. As Shawns plus one.

"Uh, i dunno- i don't really like it." Y/N replied, staring in the mirror at how the dress just looked on her.

"What? You haven't liked any of the dresses, babe- lemme see!" He said.

"No, it's not- It's bad." She said, "Can we just go?" She asked, more quietly this time.

There was only silence on the other side so Y/N got out of the dress and put it back on its hanger.

"Y/N?... Are you alright?" Shawn whispered, Y/N sighed and got back in her jeans.

"Fuckin' dandy." She mumbled, looking in the mirror. Her hair is a mess, her shirt is too baggy and her nose is fucked.

She touched her hair and sighed, it's a curly mess.

She unlocked the door and went to step out but Shawn pushed through and locked the door. "I wanna see the dress."

"Shawn, just stop. It's-"

"No i wanna see it, i thought it was nice but I bet it looked amazing on you." He said, grabbing the dress from the hook and putting it up to her. "Please, try it on."

Y/N sighed and rolled her eyes, taking the dress from Shawns hands. She took off her pants and shirt and slipped into the dress. Lazily pulling it up and over her chest.

Shawn smiled lightly and helped her zip the back all the way up. "I like it." He said and kissed her shoulder.

She sighed and just looked down at the ground. Shawn wrapped his arms around her but she stepped away. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"Nothing- it's just... Last night at the dinner you- i guess you made me feel bad or whatever." She said, sitting on the bench with Shawn against the wall.

"What? What'd I do?" He asked, immediately stepping off the wall and getting on his knees so he can make eye contact with Y/N. He's scared, he didn't mean to hurt her.

"It's stupid it doesn't matter." She said, Shawn shook his head.

"No it's not. Tell me." He said, placing a hand on her knee.

Y/N explained everything pretty quickly and didn't look at Shawn when she finished.

"I'm sorry baby, I just- I guess it's cause her and I aren't that close, you know, she has her friends and I have mine." He said, Y/N nodded.

"I love you, Y/N. You're so beautiful and amazing... just a really awesome fucking person. You may not think that, but I'm here to tell you until you believe it."

"Okay." She whispered, Shawn leaned in and kissed her nose lightly.

"You really don't like the dress?" He asked, she nodded. "Okay... Did you like the red one?" He loved that one. It would look so hot on her.

"Yeah, that one was decent. A little loose. But i can just get it fitted it's alright." She shrugged, getting back out of the current dress.

"Okay baby... Let's get it then."

𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒. shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now