iii. pouty (s)

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warning: smut? + fluffy with connor!!!

"C'mon, y/n. You can do it!" Connor says, encouraging me along. He claps his hands and shoots me a goofy smile.

I was wobbling along on Connor's skateboard attempting to become a skater girl. Honestly, it was much harder than it looked.

We were outside in the warm afternoon sun passing time before the show started. I had lost track of Shawn after he was dragged to another interview, but I enjoyed spending time with other members of the tour gang.

Connor was especially fun to hang out with because we had a lot in common. We both liked photography, the same kinds of food, and goofing around nonstop.

Shawn is super goofy, but this was his job and he took it more seriously than Connor did. It was one of the things I loved most about him, it just made him not as fun on days he had press or a show.

I hopped off the skateboard, afraid of falling off yet again and let it roll to a slow stop. I sit on the warm curb beside Connor and lay my head on his shoulder

"I'll never get the hang of this," I pouted, crossing my arms like a toddler. "You might as well stop teaching me because I'll never be able to do this."

Connor laughs and it shakes my whole body. He stands and pulls me off the curb. "C'mon, I'll help."

I stand on the skateboard and push off gently with my right foot. Connor's hands find their way to my waist and hold me steady on the skateboard. I casually roll down the asphalt like a pro.

"I'm doing it!" I squeal happily. Connor let's go of my waist and I continue to keep my balance on the skateboard. When I reach the sidewalk I hop off and run to Connor.

I wrap my arms around him gleefully and he lifts me off the ground for a tight hug. He smells of sandalwood and sunshine. I take a big wiff and close my eyes. "Thank you!"

Connor chuckles and lets me down. He rolls his eyes playfully before saying, "I told you that you could do it."

"Yeah, yeah." I brush him off with a smile. Over his shoulder I see Shawn standing against a doorway. His arms are crossed and his face has a large pout on it. He didn't have any type of poker face, I could always tell when he was upset.

Connor notices me eyeing something behind him and turns to see Shawn.

"I'll let you guys have some alone time," he wiggles his eyebrows at me and I scoff.

He passes Shawn and claps him on the shoulder. "Go get 'em, tiger."

Shawn doesn't even look in his direction, keeping his eyes glued on me. I wave to him and he raises an eyebrow, unamused.

I run over to him and place a kiss on his pursed lips.

"Why are you so pouty?" I ask Shawn, hugging his body loosely. I stare into his hazel eyes softly, but notice they don't have their usual sparkle. "Bad day?"

He steps away from me and crosses his arms. "If you want to date Connor, you should. I can see how close you guys are."

My eyes go wide when he mentions me dating Connor. "What could possibly make you think that I wanted to date Connor? You're my boyfriend, Shawn."

"I dunno, you were pretty cosy just now. I saw that hug." He shrugs and looks down at his stupidly hot boots.

I step back and shake my head. "What the fuck, Shawn. Are we really having this argument? You hug Alessia all the time and it doesn't mean anything romantic."

Shawn splutters and rolls his eyes. "Yeah, well it's not the same. I don't pick her up and flirt with her."

"Whatever, Shawn. You obviously have your mind made up on this," I brush past him, bumping his shoulder on the way. "But if I really wanted Connor I would have him by now."

𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒. shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now