xi. cuddles and extra kisses

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super fluffy
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The moment Shawn walked into the kitchen with his hands buried in his sweatpants pockets, I knew something was up. Instead of sauntering in affectionately wearing only his boxers like he almost always did, he chose a pair of green sweats and a black hoodie today. His curls were messily tousled from sleep and a few ringlets fell over his forehead adorably. But his eyes, his mesmerizing hazel eyes, were clouded with a cloud of sadness and anxiety.

"Good morning, sweetheart." My voice was gentle in the early morning sunlight as I slowly pushed the steaming hot mug of tea into Shawn's hands and leaned up to kiss his cheek sweetly. A small smile played at the corners of his pink lips before he spoke.

"Good morning, honey." Shawn mumbled lovingly, his voice still raspy with drowsiness from only waking up moments ago. He placed a warm kiss against my lips, speaking a million words he hadn't said. He tasted like mint like always and I let myself melt into him for a moment before I pulled away.

Running my hand through his brunette curls and caressing his cheek delicately, Shawn closed his eyes at my touch and held me close to him. I could feel my heart becoming heavy with sadness in my chest as I scrambled to think about what could possibly be bothering him. "Is your tea okay?" I asked instead and Shawn smiled playfully for a short moment.

Lifting the mug to his lips carefully, he took a long sip of the hot drink before nodding firmly. "Perfect like it always is when you make it. Thank you," He said softly, meeting my gaze and I smiled warmly, wrapping my arms around his torso.

Surprised by my sudden movement, Shawn placed his mug down on the counter and wrapped me up tightly against him. I listened to the steady and soothing rhythm of his heartbeat before Shawn nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck and instinctively, I cradled his head gently. The words were begging to leave my lips and finally, when Shawn left a lingering kiss on my neck, I decided to ask.

"Hey, baby?" The question rolled off my tongue while my fingers played with his curls absentmindedly, our embrace filling us both with love.

"Hmm?" Shawn hummed in response before lifting his head and meeting my eyes. I sighed lightly at how upset he looked and I hated seeing him hurt knowing I could help. Tenderly, I held his rosy cheeks in my hands and kissed him, squeezing all the love I possibly could into the simple gesture.

"What's wrong?" I asked quietly, our faces only a few inches apart after the kiss broke and Shawn's expression fell making my heart break into a million pieces. "I'm right here okay, baby? Whatever it is, just tell me. I'm here." I reassured him, trying to keep my voice from breaking.

"Can- can we sit down?" Shawn stuttered while asking the question, his voice shaking and I quickly nodded before intertwining our fingers, grabbing his tea and leading us to the couch in the living room. The golden sunlight basked the room in a beautiful glow and the Toronto skyline glistened happily outside the large windows. We sat side by side on the comfortable couch and after I placed Shawn's mug on the coffee table, I held both of his hands and focused my attention on him.

From the very first moment Shawn nervously told me about struggling with his anxiety, I made sure he knew that I was always here for him. I knew how important it was to have someone to talk to and hold you when everything became a little too much and my heart almost shattered seeing Shawn so worried that I would leave him over this. Since then, I was able to easily tell when something was bothering him and with a few kisses and encouraging words he would always open up, immediately feeling better afterwords.

After a few silent moments, Shawn began drawing small circles with his thumbs on my hands and he spoke quietly. "I don't know how much more I can take, Y/N. All the long days of rehearsals, more and more dates keep getting added onto the tour and there's just so much pressure. There's nothing else I'd rather be doing, I-I'm living out my dreams but it's happening too fast. I feel like I can't breathe." Shawn explained, his voice getting choked up as tears slowly began rolling down his cheeks. In seconds, I pulled him closer to me, wrapping my arms around his body and cradled his head against my shoulder before placing multiple kisses to his curls.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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