ii. drunk shawn

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fluffy and some smutty topics.
words count: 4.6k

The clicking of the keyboard is the only sound filling the bedroom as you type away on your laptop. Your fingers impressively move over the keyboard forming out the each word you were thinking of.

Your legs are crossed in front of you, your back hunched over and a determined look was covering your face as you intently worked on the essay that was due the next morning.

The sound of footsteps isn't enough to gain your attention as Shawn walks out of the bathroom.

"You sure you don't want to come with me [Y/N]?" Shawn asks for the third time that night as he finishes getting ready putting on his infamous feather ring.

"I need to finish this" you mumble out, eyes still fixed on the bright screen in front of you
He has a frown on his face as he watches you type away on your precious laptop.

He was disappointed, but he tried not to show it. It was the night before Halloween and all he wanted was for you to come out with him and his friends to have a goodnight out and just let lose. He was finally on a much deserved break and he wanted to spend as much time with you as possible.

But unfortunately his break time clashed with the busiest time of the school year for you. With final projects that were due, essays that needed to be written and exams that you needed to study for. You barely had time to scratch your head. He admired how hard you worked but he knew you had a bad habit of being caught up in the flow of things and would forget to take a much needed break.

"You can take a break. We can come back early and I can help you finish the essay?"

His offer goes in one ear and comes out the other. You barely notice his presence as he tries to get your attention.

"Baby?" he calls out to you a sigh falling from his mouth.

"I can't Shawn" you say finally giving him your attention

He opens his mouth to say something but changes his mind. He knows that determined look on your face all too well, this wasn't something he was going to win.

"Okay, I'll see you later"

The disappointment in his tone doesn't go unnoticed by you. As much as you wanted to give in to him and say screw it and just go out with him to have a good time, you couldn't. The essay wasn't going to write itself.

"Have fun" you say grabbing the side of his neck and giving him a quick peck on the cheek
A brief smile graces his lips but it doesn't reach his eyes.

You watch him close the bedroom door behind you as he walks out shoulder slummed.

"Stupid school" you mumble to yourself turning your attention back to your laptop before you went running off behind him.
For the first hour or so that Shawn's gone everything is quite and you actually get more work done that you thought.

His first text comes at around 10:30, a simple "How is the essay going?"

Which you reply back with
"After this semester is done I want to have a book burning party"

His reply is just a bunch of laughing emoji's followed by a "We'll do it in the fire place, I'll bring the lighter fluid"

You laugh at his offer, replying to him quickly and going back to your essay. In the hours the messages keep on coming, you reply to some and leave out a few others. You can tell that he is starting to get tipsy with each text that you receive.

You're surprised that he is sending you so many texts instead of enjoying the party. You wondered if he was alone in a corner of the house party with a drink in his hand just sending you all these texts with a stupid smile on his face.

𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒. shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now